Men’s Club Tickets On Sale

2023-2024 Tickets
Men’s Club 200 Club tickets have been mailed out!
Please watch for your ticket(s) in the mail and kindly return your payment as soon as possible.
Pay online at
Don’t Have A Ticket?
Do you have an interest in buying a chance to win a grand price of $1000? The odds are better than the lottery.
Call Today!
One hundred dollars ($100) gives you 40 chances to win anywhere from $100-$1000 (between November through June). And the odds increase with the more tickets you have.
For Tickets, please contact
Mick Paretchan – 215-947-4394
Mike Tookmanian – 484-351-8663
Larry D. Der Hagopian – 215-489-7116
Mike Santerian – 609-352-1575