Funeral Notice – Albert Kapeghian

Albert Kapeghian entered into his eternal rest on May 5, 2019. He is survived by his devoted children: Janice (Robert) King, Barbara (Thomas) Harmon, Mark (Lisa) Kapeghian and Shant Kapeghian; loving grandchildren: Alyssa (Phillip) Worrell, Scott and Jaclyn King, Kelly and Julie Kapeghian; two precious great-grandsons Timothy and Matthew; and many much-loved cousins, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, Naomi.
Services will take place at Holy Trinity Armenian Church as follows:
– Thursday, May 9, 2019
– Viewing: 9:30-10.30 AM
– Funeral: 10:30 AM
Interment at Arlington Cemetery, 2900 State Road, Drexel Hill, PA 19026
In lieu of flower donations may be made to Holy Trinity Armenian Church. (on line availability)
“For you have been my shelter, a strong tower against the foe.” (Psalm 61:3)