Sunday of the Judge

March 27, 2022
Sunday of the Judge
COVID UPDATE: Masks are recommended, but not required, Please use your best judgement.
Scripture Notes for Today’s Readings
Luke 17:20-18:14 Jesus describes the Second Coming as a time like any other in some ways, with people in pursuit of their usual pleasures; joys as well as suffering continue. Yet we learn that His Coming will be as bold as a bolt of lightning. We cannot be prepared for it if we have not lived all along as God’s devoted children; if we haven’t, we will be reluctant to leave behind earthly preoccupations for heavenly ones. This description is immediately followed by The Parable of the Unjust Judge (ort Persistent Widow). See below for more on this parable and reflection questions. Discuss/reflect: How does Jesus’ example of Lot’s wife looking back clarify the meaning of verse 33: “whoever tries to keep their life will lose it and whoever loses their life will preserve it”?
Philippians 3:1-4:9 “Rejoice in the Lord!” St. Paul declares, since all that once was valued is nothing, rubbish (lit: dung;3:8) compared to knowing Jesus. A life for those who eschew earthly things for a glorious “citizenship in heaven” is marked by joy, gratitude, a worry-free serenity. And a peace from God that “transcends all understanding.” (4:7) Discuss/reflect: How would you finish the sentence in v.13 as you try to draw ever closer to Christ: “…one thing I do:______.”
Isaiah 65:8-25 In prophesying to postexilic Israel, Isaiah shares God’s promises of judgment to the disobedient but salvation and renewal to the faithful – a world where there will no longer be tears and where the wolf and the lamb will peacefully co-exist. Discuss/reflect: “I called and you did not answer…I spoke and you did not listen…you chose what displeases me…” (v.12) In some ways, could this describe you? How?
Sunday of the Judge To underscore the importance of prayer, Jesus tells the parable of an unjust judge who neglects the pleas of a poor widow until, tired of her persistence, he hands down a decision and sends her away. Just as Jesus used the example of a less-than-virtuous-steward (last Sunday’s Lenten lesson), he now uses the example of an exasperated, self-centered judge. If he submits to the supplication of the widow, won’t a merciful, loving God hear and respond to our needs? Prayer is one of the essential ways we grow closer to God. It was the only thing the disciples asked Jesus to teach them! Reflection: When do you pray? Only at certain times? When you feel angry or sad? Thankful? Memorize IThessalonians 5:16-18 as a good mantra for prayerful living
SPECIAL COFFEE HOUR, APRIL 3, 2022: To celebrate the joyful occasion of her 80th Birthday, the family of Jeanette Der Hagopian invites you to join them for a special coffee hour after church. All are welcome!
MITCHINK LUNCHEON IS TODAY!! Join us for a delicious Lenten luncheon, followed by an enlightening program presented by Chris Zakian, Director of Communications for the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church. Luncheon cost per person is $20. All are welcome.
PALM SUNDAY BANQUET: Sunday, April 10, 2022, is ACYOA DAY. Immediately following Church Services, ACYOA is sponsoring a Banquet. Donations: Adults $25.00 – Children ages 6 to 12 yrs. $8.00 – Children 5 and under Free. No tickets will be sold at the door. For reservations, please send in your check by the Deadline: April 3, 2022.
ZOOM ADULT EDUCATION LENTEN SERIES: Very often people of faith feel God’s presence in music that is not overtly religious. That will be the premise of Dn. Albert Keshgegian’s presentation at our next Lenten program entitled Songs of Inspiration. Participants will listen to two contemporary songs: “Coat of Many Colors” by Dolly Parton and “You Raise Me Up” sung by Josh Groban; then together read Bible passages and Armenian Church prayers that relate to the lyrics. Parishioners will have an opportunity to discuss and reflect on the message and the meaning for their own lives. Join us on Friday evening, April 1 at 7:00 by contacting for the Zoom link.
COUNTRY STORE – We invite you to come visit us after church most Sundays. See Liz or Jeanette. If you wish to place an order for pickup, contact Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465, and she can help you with that.
HOLY TRINITY ZOOM BOOK CLUB: Copies of our next book selection, “Mayrig” by Henri Verneuil (Ashod Malakian) are still available at our bookstore for $15. The book, which tells the story of the quintessential immigrant experience, as lived by an Armenian family settling in France, is tinged with the hues of Armenian joy and sadness. The discussion will be facilitated by Elise Antreassian, who translated the French text into English. We will meet on Thursday evening, April 21 at 7:00. To receive the Zoom link, contact
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @