Paregentan of the Fast of the Assumption

August 7, 2022
Paregentan of the Fast of the Assumption
COVID UPDATE: Based on the recent increase in Covid infections, Montgomery County is recommending that masks be worn indoors in all public areas and to maintain social distance.
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
Mark 2:1-12 Four friends of a paralyzed man, unable to get through the crowds in a home where Jesus is teaching, lower him from a hole in the roof so that he might be healed. By first forgiving the man’s sins, Jesus is boldly declaring His divinity since God alone can forgive sin; such forgiveness better reveals His identity as the Son of God than do the miracles He performs. This spiritual healing is immediately followed by a physical cure: the man rises up and walks. Discuss/reflect: Notable in this story is the determined action of four men to bring their friend to Jesus for healing. No obstacle deterred them. Has the strong faith of others ever helped you grow closer to God? How might your committed faith help someone else experience spiritual healing?
1 Corinthians 13:11-14:5 St. Paul has already outlined the need for us to discern our spiritual gifts so that we might serve the common good and affirmed that without love none of these gifts are effective. Here he reminds us that we are like children until we mature spiritually: only then will we see that love outlasts even those things that seemingly endure forever such as faith and hope. In praising prophecy over the gift of tongues, he praises that gift which serves others rather than one’s self. Discuss/reflect: In what ways do you think you talk, think, and reason like a child (v.11) when it comes to God?
Isaiah 7:1-9 Facing an impending attack from their enemies, the people of Judah were filled with fear (v.2). God instructs Isaiah to tell their king Ahaz to have courage and be firm in his faith for “Unless your faith is firm, you shall not be firm!” (v. 9) Discuss/reflect: What situation are you facing that frightens you now? What makes it difficult for you to trust God for strength and guidance?
Saturday, August 13, is the Feast of Shoghagat
Shoghagat might best be translated in a phrase: “rays of light descending as droplets from heaven.” The term and the Feast Day derive from St. Gregory’s vision as recorded in the 5th century history by Agathangelos. In that account, we read how King Drtad and the nobles fasted and repented, listening attentively to St. Gregory’s every word as he taught them the long history of God’s plan of salvation for humankind. He shared a momentous vision he had seen: of light flowing to the earth, of Jesus striking the ground with a golden hammer, angels, thunderous sounds as the firmaments opened and springs gushed forth, columns of cloud and fire. It was on that site that he understood he was to build a Cathedral (Etchmiadzin, lit. “where the Only-Begotten descended) and chapels to Sts. Hripsime, Gayane, and their sister nuns. Since the Mother Cathedral is dedicated to St. Mary, the feast is always observed on the Saturday preceding the Assumption.
Hokehankist today will be for:
Fran Torcomian (4th Anniversary of Her eternal life) requested in loving memory by her family.
The next issue of the LOOYS will feature our graduates (all levels) and we invite you to submit your own details for inclusion. Write-up should include: full name, parents’ names, name of institution, grade level or degree achieved, activity involvement (church or school), and future plans (further education/work/other). Please include a picture (in high resolution color), if possible. Everything should be sent to by August 7, 2022.
COFFEE HOUR – As we move through the summer months, we will strive to continue offering a weekly Coffee Hour following Badarak which provides us with nourishment and our most enjoyable fellowship. As we have done in the past, we invite you to bring any refreshment or dessert of your choosing to enhance our table. Any questions can be directed to Jeanette @ 215-672-4188 or
Blessing of the Grapes: This year the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother-of-God will take place on Sunday, August 14. Anyone wishing to make a donation toward grapes should contact the church office no later than August 7.
COUNTRY STORE – We invite you to come visit us after church most Sundays. See Liz or Jeanette. If you wish to place an order for pickup, contact Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465, and she can help you with that.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @
September 21-Book presentation by Adrienne G. Alexanian on her father’s memoir Forced into Genocide: Memoirs of an Armenian Soldier in the Ottoman Turkish Army
Wednesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Armenian Martyrs’ Congregational Church
100 N. Edmonds Avenue Havertown, PA (610) 446-3330
There are no other books in literature on this aspect of the Armenian Genocide. The book contains rare documents and pictures which will be shown during the presentation. Book signing during the reception. All proceeds will be donated to the AMCC.
September 28
The women of Holy Trinity are holding a “Paint & Sip” evening packed with fun and fellowship! More details to come……