Great Barekendan

February 27, 2022
Great Barekendan
COVID UPDATE: Masks are recommended, but not required, Please use your best judgement.
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
Matthew 6:1-21 In His ‘sermon on the mount,’ Jesus teaches the virtue of humble, private acts of righteousness: giving without fanfare; praying privately, using humble words Jesus provides (the Lord’s prayer); being generous in forgiveness; fasting without anyone knowing; and treasuring what is eternal in value, not what will rot and rust. Discuss/reflect: Jesus calls us to a higher morality, one that asks us to do the right thing not for public approbation, not to please people, but to please God. In what specific ways can doing this make for a better, happier life?
Romans 13:11-14:25 St. Paul urges his listeners to clothe themselves in Christ, living in ways that honor Him. And whatever holy disciplines they choose, whether it is setting aside a day as holy, fasting, or even not fasting, they should do so respecting others’ feelings and needs. “Let’s stop passing judgment on one another or putting obstacles in another’s way…” (14:13) Discuss/reflect: Instead of judging, what should occupy our energy? Review 14:13, 17-18 and look ahead to 15:2 for answers.
Is 58:1-14 With a typical prophet’s passion, Isaiah shares God’s ire with a people who approach Him “as if they were a nation that does what is right…” (v.2) God demands an answer: Is fasting just a matter of sackcloth and ashes? Or is true piety about lifting up the oppressed, feeding the hungry and clothing the poor? This piety will touch God’s heart and then you will find “joy in the Lord…and He will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land.” (58:14) Discuss/reflect: What a ride that will be! Are you engaged in the god-pleasing acts of verses 6-7? If not, what can you begin to do so that your faith is more than ‘empty pious gestures?
Today is Poon Paregentan! Tomorrow is the first day of Great Lent
Poon Paregentan does not actually fall in Great Lent. However, it is traditionally counted as the first step on the Lenten journey. Poon means ‘real’ or ‘true.’ Since every fasting period begins with a festival day or paregentan, this one is marked as the ‘true’ one, the most important, since it precedes the greatest feast of the church, Easter. This ‘day of good living’ is often observed with festivities, dancing, and a carnival atmosphere to remind us all of the joy and vitality of Paradise and life itself. It also was the day to feast on and finish up all non-Lenten foods such as meat, dairy products, and fish. The sharagan (hymn) of the day sings of our earthly nature made glorious in the ‘garden of delight’ but also reminds us that even Adam and Eve had to exercise control and, sadly, failed to do so. Great Lent begins in the Armenian Church on Monday, the day after Poon Paregentan.
Department of Christian Education/ Diocese of the Armenian Church of America/ (Eastern)/
REQUIEM SERVICES: Karasoonk (40th Day memorial Service) today will be for:
SAM DEVEDJIAN on the 40th Day of His eternal life requested in loving memory by Robert and Elizabeth Barone.
Hokehankist today will be for:
JULETTA ARAKELOVA requested in loving memory by Margarita and Vaagn Melikyan.
PRAYERS are requested for Larry Grocott in his struggle with lung cancer. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Ps 46:1)
COFFEE HOUR today is sponsored by Margarita and Vaagn Melikyan in loving memory of JULETTA ARAKELOVA. All are welcome.
ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY: Scheduled for March 6, 2022 with alternate snow date of March 13, 2022.
CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS: Due to the current surge in COVID, the Church School Spring Semester will start on Sunday February 27th, instead of February 6th, and run through Sunday May 15th.
CHANGE OF DATE—Holy Trinity Zoom Book Club: Join us on our new date, Thursday evening, MARCH 3 at 7:00 for a discussion on an extraordinary work of non-fiction entitled The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. It tells the riveting story of the collision between ethics, race, and scientific discovery AND the human story behind the scenes. Marge Ayoub will facilitate the conversation. Those interested should contact to receive the Zoom link. Invite a friend!
ZOOM ADULT EDUCATION LENTEN SERIES: Our Adult Christian Education (ACE) ministry, under the leadership of Fr. Hakob, is sponsoring its annual Friday Night Lenten Series via ZOOM. The intent of the series is to provide information and experiences that promote a deeper relationship with God. We begin with an interactive Rest Service featuring our teachers and students reading the powerful and penitential prayers of St. Nersess Shnorhali. Join us on Friday evening, March 4 at 7:00 by contacting for the Zoom link.
COUNTRY STORE – We invite you to come visit us after church most Sundays. See Liz or Jeanette. If you wish to place an order for pickup, contact Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465, and she can help you with that.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @