Parish Assembly 2022

Dear Member of Holy Trinity Armenian Church:
The Annual Parish Assembly of Holy Trinity Armenian Church will be held on Sunday, March 6, 2022, in the Santerian Hall at 1:00 p.m. A light lunch will be available prior to the assembly.
Members who have met the requirements of the By-Laws of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) are eligible to participate and vote. Every member of the Parish, 18 years of age or over, shall pay to his (or her) Church annual dues, the amount of which must be paid by December 31, 2021.
The amount of the dues, which can be increased, but not decreased, will be established by the Parish Assembly.
The meeting will be conducted in the English language; however, questions may be asked in Armenian and any discussed items will be translated into Armenian upon request. Balloting for Parish Council, Nominating Committee, Auditing Committee and Delegates will close at 2:30 p.m.
- Opening Prayer
- Roll Call (to establish a quorum)
- Election of Assembly Officers of the Day
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Approval of 2021 Parish Assembly Minutes
- Nominating Committee Report: Balloting for
- Parish Council – Five (5)
- Nominating Committee – Three (3)
- Auditing Committee – Two (2)
- Diocesan Delegate – Two (2)
- Report of the Pastor
- Report of the Parish Council
- Adoption of the 2022 Budget versus 2021
- Report of the Diocesan Delegates
- Reports of Parish Organizations
- Old Business
- Auditing Committee Report
- Investment Committee Report
- New Business (Items of New Business may be added by majority vote of the Parish Assembly. {Art. 16, Diocesan By-Laws}
- Election results
- Closing Prayer
- Adjournment
Barbara Harmon
Chairman, Parish Council
Elizabeth Barone
Secretary, Parish Council