Church Closed For Repairs

CHURCH CLOSINGS: This is to advise our faithful that our church will be closed for the Sundays of July 1, 8 and 15 in order to do restoration work on the dome in our Sanctuary. This work will require using an aerial lift and moving many of the pews, making the church unusable. These weeks also coincide with the vacation that Der Hakob and his family will be taking to visit their families in Armenia.
For those who do not want to skip church, we suggest attending St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church in Wynnewood on those Sunday mornings. We know they will be very welcoming to our parishioners. Live-streaming Badaraks can also be viewed online from St. Leon Armenian Church in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Badarak begins at 10:30 am and can be seen by clicking on the following link:
Should there be any emergencies during the time that Der Hakob is away, please call the church office and speak to Maggie. In her absence, you may call: John Hanamirian (215-660-0000); Jeanette Der Hagopian (215-206-0440); or Merle Santerian (215-205-1507).
Please mark your calendars for the dates of the closings. We look forward to worshiping together again on July 22.