Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross

October 23, 2022
Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings:
Matthew 24:27-36 Although no one but the Father knows the exact day or hour, Jesus speaks of His return as unmistakable, as clear as the fig tree’s transformation when summer draws near. He will appear in the sky with power and great glory and will send His angels with a loud trumpet blast to gather the elect from the four corners of the world. Discuss/reflect: What does it mean, practically, to be ready for Jesus’ return if we do not know when that will be? If it were tomorrow, are you ready to eagerly present yourself to Him, or hang back in embarrassment?
I Corinthians 1:18-24 St. Paul talks about the different reactions to the message of the cross. Some believed it to be foolish; others believed it to be offensive; it was a stumbling block to those who sought a sign of worldly power and wisdom. God’s foolishness and weakness are wiser and stronger than anything non-believers could readily understand! Discuss/reflect: Where do you derive the wisdom and strength to be happy? Pray for God’s wisdom that you might understand the true, life-transforming message of the cross.
Isaiah 33:22-34:1 Isaiah encourages God’s people to place their trust in Him. As in today’s reading from Wisdom, we encounter images of a ship in disarray. Discuss/reflect: With what four roles is Jesus (Lord) identified in verse 22? (Judge, lawgiver, king, savior). How can each guide your behavior?
Wis.14: 1-8 On the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross as well as the earlier Feast of the Exaltation, this reading (which can only be found in the Armenian Bible or a Bible that includes the Deuterocanonical books) offers an image of a floundering ship and the raft that brings people to safety. “The people trust their lives to the smallest piece of wood …for blessed is the wood by which righteousness comes…” (14:5-7) – a reference for Christians to the Cross of Christ and the true path to salvation (as opposed to wooden idols). Discuss/reflect: Do you trust your life to God’s sovereignty? If not, what idols are your gods?
Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross
In the 4th century, the Emperor Constantine sent his mother Queen Helena to find the actual cross upon which Christ was crucified. She found the site (c.326), but three crosses were there. To authenticate the true cross of Christ, the body of a young man who had recently died was placed on each cross. The Holy Cross of Christ was ‘discovered’ when the deceased youth came back to life! Christians in Jerusalem began to venerate that cross, and since then it has been broken into fragments and dispersed among various churches. There is a fragment of the cross in Etchmiadzin, as well as in St. Vartan Cathedral in New York City. Discuss/Reflect: Although this was a discovery made long ago, even today we are called to discover the mystery of the cross in our daily lives. Are you willing to transform your life by taking up the cross, and allowing its power to give you new life in Christ?
REQUIEM SERVICES: Hokehankist today will be for:
- Albert & Nevart Sarkessian & Luke & Alberta Barone requested by Robert & Elizabeth Barone
- Bob Damerjian requested by Robert Damerjian Jr. & Lorraine Damerjian
- Albert & Florance Dandegian, Michael & Rose Karabian, Ms. Ruth DeStefano requested by Albert Dandegian Jr. M.D
- Karapet & Hayarpie Garibian and Niaz Garibian requested by Dr. Garo & Mrs. Cecelia Garibian
- Ardelle Kashkashian Smith & Arsen Kashkashian Jr. requested by Ronald A. Kashkashian
- John Bryers requested by Bryers Funeral Home – Jeff Thompson
- Charles & Polly Mears requested by Dave & Terri Mears
- Nishan & Hamest Sekdorian requested by Garo & Bertha Sekdorian
- Larry DerHagopian requested by Kim & Gena Willard
- Harry Yazujian, Norair Hartunian, Helen Vishab, Armen Mirakian requested by Gregory & Diane Yazujian
- Annabelle Alexanian requested by Alex Alexanian
- Vahan Boyajian & Janice Pinkerton requested by Florence Boyajian
- Mr. Albert DerPilbosian requested by Mrs. Valerie DerPilbosian & Family
- Mr. Charles Donoian requested by Marguerite Donoian
- Michael & Penny Hajatian and Pielag Paroonagian requested by Michael & Lynn Hajatian
- Barbara Kumkumian requested by Carol Jerrahian
- Paul S. & Margaret S. Kazanjian, Edward A. & Sara P. Kaiserian requested by Edward & Carol Kaiserian
- Ruth DeStefano, Florence Dandegian, Helen Vishab, Michael & Rose Karabian requested by Alice Karabian
- Ara & Lillian Ambarian, Robert Karpinski requested by Susan Karpinski & David Ambarian
- Garabed & Asdghig Keshgegian requested by Albert Keshgegian
- Patrick Killian, John & Dorothy Chalikian requested by Joyce Killian
- Sooren & Mary Paretchan requested by Don & Judy Paretchan
- Souren & Elizabeth Sadjian requested by Chris Sadjian-Peacock & Ernest Peacock
- Ned Santerian, Corinne Santerian Moore, D.O., John & Rose Serabian requested by Merle Santerian
- Mary Parnagian requested by Diane Sarkisian
- Charles & Naomi Antaramian requested by Charlene & Jon Simonian
- Mary & Katch Kapeghian requested by Tom Swartz & Karen Vartanian
- Fran Torcomian requested by Tom Torcomian
- Elizabeth & Garabed Tookmanian requested by Michael Tookmanian
- Albert Zerounian requested by Nauver & Arpie Zerounian
- Azad & Luceen Attarian requested by Lynne Asadourian
- Doretta Basmajian Aslanian requested by Steve Aslanian
- Diramayr Serbouhy Arzoumanian requested by Hagop Arzoumanian
- Thomas Babaian, George Medzigian requested by Sarah S. Babaian
- Hagop Jack Ekizian requested by Dr. Steven Balint & Stephanie Ekizian Balint & family
- Larry DerHagopian requested by Jeanette DerHagopian
- Gaspar, Jamack, & Zemaitis Families requested by Terri M. Gaspar
- George Hagopian requested by Donna Hagopian & Ashley Marshall
- Edward L. Zarzatian, Jr. requested by Fred & Janet Jordan
- Sooren & Mary Paretchan & Karapet & Hayarpie Garibian requested by Michael & Tanya Paretchan
- Jack & Mary Pagdikian & Edward L. Zarzatian Jr. requested by Rosemarie Zarzatian
- Arthur Aznavuryan requested by Armenoui Aznavuryan
- Armand Bogosian requested by Paul Bogosian
- Bob Damerjian requested by Lorraine Damerjian
- Des Attarian requested by Doris Kodikian
- Diana McGarvey requested by Chris, Janice, and Cole Owens
- Charles Sisian requested by Denise & Alice Sisian
- Arshag, Eugenie and Garabed (Garo)Yeterian, Kouyoumdjian, Seferian, Yeterian, Asadourian, Hairannian and Zakarian Familiess requested by Angel Tookmanian
HARVEST BAZAAR is today after church ALL ARE WELCOME.
BIBLE BASICS – Wednesday evenings: October 26 at 7:00 pm via ZOOM
If you feel your knowledge of Scripture is inadequate or if you have questions about the sacred writings of God’s people and its role in our lives, this 4-week program is perfect for you. Join our Senior Deacon, Albert Keshgegian as he guides us through an interactive look at the basics of the Bible. To sign-up and get the Zoom link, go to nancybasmajian@verizon.net.
Pastor’s Weekly Zoom Bible Study: Beginning on Wednesday, November 2,
Fr Hakob will lead us through the Gospel of Matthew; chapter by chapter, we will explore the activities and teachings of our Lord to find the Truth behind the sacred text. To accommodate various schedules, and for the first time, we are offering two options: (1) Wednesday mornings, 11:00 to noon and (2) Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:00. Flyers are available in the narthex. To register and receive the Zoom link, contact nancybasmajian@verizon.net. As always, beginners are welcome.
Beginning to Pray (A Zoom discussion on October 27 at 7:00 pm):
Our Adult Christian Education team is pleased to announce that Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan, the Interim Director of Ministries for the Diocese and a member of the Diocesan Council, will guide us through a spiritual classic entitled “Beginning to Pray.” The book, written by Archbishop Anthony Bloom of the Russian Orthodox Church, is a short exploration of prayer for those who have never prayed and for those who have been disappointed with prayer. Limited copies of the book are available at our bookstore for $12. To receive the Zoom link for the discussion, contact nancybasmajian@verizon.net.
Holy Trinity Zoom Book Club: On Thursday evening, November 17, our popular book club will discuss The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. The nonfiction story is an intimate account of the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and how nine working class American boys showed the world the meaning of true grit. The session, scheduled for 7:00, will be facilitated by Janet Jordan. Flyers with more details are available in the narthex. To receive the Zoom link, go to nancybasmajian@verizon.net.
Bookstore News!
We are pleased to announce that we have a new face in the bookstore. Stephan Sarkissian, a graduate of our Church School and a freshman at Temple University, will be serving as an intern working with our veteran bookstore manager, Gloria Basmajian. We urge our faithful to visit the store and wish Stephan success in this new endeavor.
Also, in memory of Komitas Vartabed on the anniversary of his death (October 22), we are featuring special books, music, and a wooden sculpture of the beloved musician and composer. We have a limited number of items, so only the first five lucky customers will have those precious souvenirs! There are also new items arriving often from Armenia!
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @ karinne.hov@gmail.com.
LOST AND FOUND – Please look at the coat racks in the hallway as we have begun to accumulate miscellaneous pieces of clothing. We will be donating any remaining items to charity in December.