A Pastoral Invitation

from Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan
With the blessing of our Primate, His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, I would like to formally request your presence at an extraordinary and historic celebration being hosted by our parish on Saturday, October 3, 2015. On this date, we will be joined by the clergy and faithful of our sister Oriental Orthodox Churches in a Concelebrated* Divine Liturgy—see flyer for a list of participating churches.
As part of the Oriental Orthodox family, the Armenian Church throughout the Diocese participates regularly in these con-celebrations. This will be the third event in our region but the first time ever being hosted by our community. We want it to be a memorable and inspiring occasion for you and your family—and, of course, for our guests.
The goal of the event is to bring together our regional Oriental Orthodox faithful for a day of worship and fellowship as a manifestation of our full communion and fraternal unity. We hope you will arrive in a timely manner in order to be present for the processional entrance of the fully-vested clergy.
Please note that the Divine Liturgy will also be celebrated, as usual, on Sunday, October 4. However, if you find that, because of circumstances, you can only be present at one of the liturgies, I ask that you choose the con-celebration on Saturday due to the uniqueness of the day (Church School students will be credited with Sunday attendance if they attend on Saturday).
*Con-celebration means “to celebrate together.” While I will be the principal celebrant at the liturgy, my brother clergy will assist me in the consecration of the Eucharist and assume other roles during the Liturgy