A Letter from Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan

March 26, 2020
Dear Faithful,
As I write this message in this extraordinary time, I know that many of you are wondering what tomorrow will bring. What we thought would be impossible only days ago has now become our new reality for the immediate future. Millions of people have been directed to stay home from work or school, and the days ahead bring uncertainty for our whole nation.
I want you to know that the entire Armenian Church is in the deepest mode of prayer for our people—from the Catholicos of All Armenians, to our Diocesan Primate, to clergy in every local parish, including our own.
Of course, we are called to be prayerful and to increase our faith during times like this. But we are also called as Christians to think of our brothers and sisters during a time of crisis. With this in mind, I am calling upon the loving and Christian spirit of our community to pull together to help others among us. Many of you have already reached out to me offering to provide assistance to those in need. If you are one who needs assistance, please let me know (917-213-8658) and I will call one of our caring volunteers to contact you.
Holy Trinity Armenian Church is a living church. In these days the public is not permitted to gather in the sanctuary for worship. Please know, however, that in every service which I conduct at church, every one of you is remembered in prayer. I am a phone call away and ready to speak and pray with you at any time.
“A new commandment I give to you: that you love one another…
By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love for one another.” (Jn 13:34-35)
Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan