Holy Trinity Armenian Church and Touriffic Travel present:
New York City – 9/11 Memorial (Saturday, September 24, 2016)
Visit the National 9/11 Memorial with Reflecting Pools and NEWLY COMPLETED Museum
The highly anticipated 9/11 Museum opened in May 2014 with a mission to “bear solemn witness to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and Feb. 26, 1993.” Encompassing 110,000 square feet, exhibits range from original artifacts and emotional stories of the people who lost their lives to multimedia displays. Visitors can walk down the very staircase used by workers to escape the fire on 9/11, read touching messages of remembrance, hear voicemail messages left by the victims to loved ones and more. Just make sure to bring tissues, as you’ll undoubtedly leave with a heavy heart.
Daytrip Itinerary:
8:00am – Depart Holy Trinity Armenian Church via deluxe Motorcoach (Suggested to pack a lunch/snacks that you can eat on coach before arriving in NY – there is a cafe in Museum with limited items – Lunch on own – a brief rest stop will be made en route)
10:45am – Arrive in NYC
11:00am – Self-guided tour of 9/11 Memorial Museum (Note: visits are subject to security screening)
Additional exhibits to explore on own:
- Reflecting Pools
- Self-guided tour of Paul’s Chapel ~This historical church is located near Ground Zero and still standing after the twin towers fell right next to it. This church was used during the disaster as a safe haven for first responders who needed a place to pray and sleep during the terrible events of 911. Now, people from all over the World can visit this church and see different exhibits, memorabilia such as letters and pictures displayed throughout the chapel. A very touching and emotional experience
3:00pm – Depart NYC
4:30pm – Sit-down Dinner at Mastoris Restaurant (Bordentown, New Jersey)
Choose upon arrival: Fruit Cup or Soup, Pencil Points or Vodka Rigatoni, Choice of Tossed, Greek or Caesar Salad, Entrée Selections (choose one) Chicken Parmigiana, Broiled Flounder, London Broil, Roast Turkey, Chicken Marsala or Chicken Francais, Roast Beef, Eggplant Napoleon, Baked Ham served with Potato and Vegetable, Cinnamon and Cheese Breads, Dessert Tray, Coffee/Tea, Iced Tea/Soda
6:30pm – Depart
7:00pm – (Approx.) Return Home
Price: $110.00 per person
For Reservations, please contact Liz Barone* (610) 449-2236 or Jeanette Der Hagopian * (215) 206-0440
Booking Information: Payment is required as soon as possible to confirm your seat. No refunds unless a replacement is found. Touriffic Travel disclaim any liability for injury, damage, loss or delay due to any act, negligence or default of any company or person engaged in rendering any service while on tour. Make checks payable to Holy Trinity Armenian Church and remit with coupon to: 101 Ashmead Road Cheltenham PA 19012 DEADLINE for reservations July 31, 2016