Today is Palm Sunday (Dzaghgazart)

March 28, 2021
Today is Palm Sunday (Dzaghgazart)
This day recalls Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. He is greeted by throngs of people laying their cloaks and palm branches on the road before him as a royal carpet of welcome. Matthew understood the event as the fulfillment of specific prophecies, including Zechariah 9:9 (today’s reading). Therefore, for many gathered, this was the entrance of the Messiah and conformed fully to Old Testament prophecy and Jewish expectations. Yet how poorly the crowd understood the nature of the kingdom and the king they were welcoming since not long afterwards their “Hosannas!” turned to the jeering shouts of “Crucify him!”
The service of the Opening of the Doors is also held on Palm Sunday, during which the priest and people pray for entry once again into God’s presence. The term Dzaghgazart (“adorned with flowers”) may refer to an older pagan feast. Discuss/reflect: In Matthew 21:10 we read that “when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked: “Who is this?” Has he entered your heart? Are you prompted to know more about who He is?
From Today’s Scripture Readings
Matthew 20:29-21:17 The healing of the two blind men is a poignant prelude to the story of Jesus’ triumphal arrival in Jerusalem (see below). The two persist in loudly declaring their faith despite the crowd’s rebuke. Upon being healed by their Lord, they follow him. The passage continues with the Palm Sunday story (21:1-11) and the account of Jesus driving the moneychangers from the Temple. Discuss/reflect: If Jesus said to you (as he did to the blind men) “what do you want me to do for you?” how would you answer?
Philippians 4: 4-7 In a letter overflowing with the joy of knowing Jesus, St. Paul sums it all up in these few verses: Rejoice in the Lord, know that he is near, be gentle with everyone, don’t worry about a thing, pray your gratitude, and God’s peace will guard your heart in Christ Jesus.
Discuss/reflect: Personalize verse 7 and memorize it: “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” Pray this throughout the day.
Zechariah 9: 9-15 Set in the context of the Jews’ return from the Babylonian exile and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, Zechariah looks expectantly to when God will transform his people into a holy nation. In these verses, we see a striking prophecy of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem “gentle and riding on a donkey.” Discuss/reflect: What images of peace and restoration can you identify in verses 9-10? Why a donkey (v.9; see Matthew 21:5 ) and not a warhorse?
Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern),Department of Christian Education,
“Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night….” (Nehemiah 1:5–6). Prayers are requested for Ethel Terzian, Taron Poghosyan, Alice Charles, Theodora Mirakian, Leslie Movsesian & Larry Grocott.
Lent 2021: Adult Christian Education (ACE) will present the following ZOOM programs this season of Lent. All sessions will begin at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Register at to receive the link.
Friday 3/26 – Rev. Fr. Garabed Kochakian – Holy Week though the Sacred Art of Armenian Miniatures
In-person attendance is invited for these services that will take place at church every Friday at noon starting February 26 through March 26. Masks are required and social distancing must be maintained. Access to the church is through the main entrance doors ONLY.
COUNTRY STORE IS OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS: We are well stocked in our store and invite you to come in after church most Sundays or place an order for pickup with Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465. NOTE: THE COUNTRY STORE WILL BE CLOSED ON EASTER SUNDAY
MEN’S CLUB NEWS – The March 200 CLUB drawing for 2020-21 was completed on 3/16/21. You can see the results on our HTAC Website. Click on: Organizations, Men’s Club. Congratulations to the Winners!
Since we do not stream services at our church every week, we invite you to click on one of the following links to partake of Badarak at any of the following: (St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church) (St Leon Live Stream) (St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral) (Holy Martyrs Live Stream)
- Garo and Cece Garibian in memory of Karapet & Hayarpie Garibian and Niaz Karibian
- Kim and Gena Willard in memory of Larry Der Hagopian & Nicole Der Hagopian
- Ronald A. Kashkashian in memory of Arsen & Katherine Kashkashian
- Merle Santerian in memory of Ned Santerian, Dr. Corrine Santerian Moore, John & Rose Serabian and Edward & Rose Karnikian
- Robert and Elizabeth Barone in memory of Albert & Nevart Sarkessian and Luke & Alberta Barone
- Susan Karpinski in memory of Peter and Lillian Ambarian & Robert Karpinski
- Albert Dandegian Jr. in memory of Albert & Florence Dandegian, Michael & Rose Karabian and Ruth DeStefano
- Alice Karabian in memory of Florence Dandegian, Michael & Rose Karabian, Helen Vishab and Ruth DeStefano
- Mary Yeretzian in memory of Berj Yeretzian
ASA OPEN HOUSE: Interested in finding out more about ASA for your child?
We welcome the opportunity to meet with you, answer any questions and guide your family through the admissions process. Though our campus is open, due to safety concerns in light of COVID-19 we are unable to welcome visitors to campus during school hours. We have transitioned our spring open house and tours into virtual zoom/phone meetings as well as after-hours tours. Email Legna Santerian at to schedule a tour – just for your family!
We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to the Armenian Sisters Academy!
Check out our video at