Third Sunday after Transfiguration

July 17, 2016
Third Sunday after Transfiguration
Sons & Grandsons of St. Gregory the Illuminator
Aristakes was St. Gregory the Illuminator’s youngest son. He led a monastic life from a very early age. He was consecrated a bishop by his father, and became one of St. Gregory’s most valued supporters. In 325 A.D. he participated in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, representing the first Catholicos and the entire Armenian Church. Following St. Gregory the Illuminator, he became Catholicos of All Armenians.
He was killed in 333 A.D. by Arkeghayos, a prince of Greater Armenia, for criticizing some incorrigible behavior of the king, and was buried in the village Til.
Vrtanes was St. Gregory the Illuminator’s elder son. He was married and had two sons – Grigoris and Housik. Following the death of his brother, he ascended to the Catholicosal Throne.
Although Christianity was already fairly well accepted as the official religion, some remnants of paganism and heathenism continued in remote areas and smaller villages. One region that had substantial resistance was the province of Daron. Vrtanes organized annual festive Christian celebrations in this province to gradually eliminate their pagan beliefs and practices.
Vrtanes died in 341 A.D. and was buried in the village Tordan, near the relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator.
Grigoris was the elder son of Vrtanes. He was sent by the Armenian Church to spread Christianity among the neighboring nations of Armenia. He was martyred upon the order of King Sanesan, the head of the nomadic Mazkut tribe. His remains were buried by the deacons who served with him, in the village of Amaras, in Artsakh. In 489 A.D. upon the order of the Aghvan (Caucasian Albanian) King Vachagan, the Church of St. Gregory was built on this site.
Housik was the younger son of Vrtanes. He married with the daughter of the Armenian King Tiridates and had two sons – Pap and Antiochus. In 341 A.D. he was elected as the Catholicos of All Armenians.
He resisted and challenged the will of King Tiran, who wished to hang the portrait of Julianus the Betrayer in a church. He was severely beaten, martyred, and was buried in the village of Tordan, province of Daranaghi.
Bishop Daniel Assyrian was famous for his saintly way of life. As he grew older he led an ascetic and isolated life in the province of Daron. Following the martyrdom of Housik, he was invited to be the Catholicos of All Armenians.
During the very first meeting with King Tiran, he strictly castigated him on the murder of the Pontiff Housik. The king summarily ordered the death of Daniel by strangulation. His remains are buried in the Monastery of Hatsyats Drahkt.
The sons and grandsons of St. Gregory the Illuminator are remembered and commemorated by all Armenian Churches throughout the world for their service to the Church, their faithfulness to Christianity, and their commitment to the Armenian people.
- 1 Corinthians 6: 18-7:11 (page 154) New Testament
- Matthew 19: 3-12 (page 19) New Testament – (Please follow the Armenian Reading in your Bible)
REQUIEM SERVICES: Hokehankist today will be for:
- VERONIKA BALASANYAN requested by the Balasanyan Family.
Pray for one another and especially for: the victims and families of those killed or injured in the terrorist attack in Orlando, FL; healing for Patrick Killian, Mickey Sherian and Anita Mirijanian; the bereaved among us; the Armenian soldiers fighting the Azerbaijanis to defend the homeland in Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh); those who have been killed in the conflict, including relatives of our own church members who have volunteered and lost their lives to defend that region; the Syrian refugees; and all who are persecuted for their faith and forced from their homes during these uncertain times.
FELLOWSHIP HOUR: You are invited, long time parishioners, new members, and first time visitors, please join us after Badarak in our lovely hall for Christian fellowship, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, and greet fellow parishioners and Der Hayr. The coffee hour begins when Der Hayr blesses the table. There are containers available to deposit your trash before leaving the hall. We appreciate your patience, cooperation, and support. Thank you.
Save The Date! The 50th anniversary of the consecration of our Church Building will be celebrated with a banquet on Sunday, September 18. Please contact Tom Torcomian at (610) 662-7879 if you would like to be a banquet sponsor.
The Ladies of Holy Trinity are sponsoring a trip to the 9/11 Memorial in New York City on Saturday, September 24. This is open to all members of our church family. The price is $110. Details are on the flyer. Please see Liz Barone or Jeanette Der Hagopian for details. Deadline for reservation is July 31.
SIGN UP TODAY: Summer Faith Discussions! We are reaching out to those of you who have been unable to participate in our adult education initiatives due to work conflicts and/or travel distance. We will be hosting home evening programs in three neighborhoods this July. For more details and to find a home near you, see flyer available in the narthex or the church lobby. Please remember to RSVP no later than three (3) days prior to the event.
July 20: At the home of Albert and Patrice Keshgegian
Facilitator: Albert Keshgegian
Topic: Understanding the PsalmsJuly 27: At the home of Barbara and Tom Harmon
Facilitator: Brian Hoyle
Topic: Exploring the Mission of the Church
Blessing of the Grapes: This year the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother-of-God will take place on Sunday, August 14. Anyone wishing to make a donation toward grapes should contact the church office no later than Monday, August 8.
The 50th Anniversary Committee is interested in memorabilia (documents, flyers, photos) related to church history during the past 50 years. And let us know if you would like these items returned after the banquet or if you would like to have the church retain them. Please contact Michael (Mick) Paretchan for details or questions at 215-947-4394.
ATTIC TREASURES: If you’re cleaning out your closets, we would greatly appreciate donations of your CLEAN & UNDAMAGED gently used items to be sold at the Attic Treasures table during the Harvest Bazaar. No toys, clothing or books (except cookbooks). Desired items are jewelry, women’s accessories, housewares, small furnishings, and more, more, more. Attic treasures can be left in the 1st room on the right down the Sunday School hall. Call Ayshe Chakmaklian for more info. at 610-828-2411. If you need a New Jersey pick up call Grace Meranshian at 856-217-9333.
Personal Worship Guide: Do you sometimes lose your place in the Pew Book? Do you occasionally forget the response to the Kiss of Peace or find yourself standing when everyone else is kneeling? What you need is a refresher course on the Divine Liturgy! During the summer months, our Adult Christian Education ministry is offering the faithful personal hands-on, page-by-page guidance on using the Pew Book to enhance the worship experience. Simply sign-up, and we will assign you one of our “experts” to lead you through the Pew Book during Badarak. To set up an appointment with your personal guide, contact Nancy Basmajian at or 215-722-3369.
CHURCH CALENDAR (please mark your calendars)
- Wednesday July 20th: Faith Discussion at Albert Keshgegian’s 7-8:30 pm
- Wednesday July 27th: Faith Discussion at Barbara Harmon’s 7-8:30 pm
- Sunday August 14th: Assumption (Blessing of Grapes)
The Bookstore: The Bookstore is open every Sunday after Liturgy. Please stop in and browse.
COUNTRY STORE: The Country Store is open every Sunday after church services in the kitchen. All are welcome.
If you know of anyone who is a shut-in, or ill and would like a visit from Der Hayr, please call the office and give their name to Maggie our church secretary.
CHURCH ETIQUETTE: We wish to remind you, our faithful, to please maintain a quiet and contemplative manner as you approach the chancel for communion. We especially ask that you refrain from conversation while waiting your turn for communion as well as afterwards as you return to your pew. Thank you.
THE KISS OF PEACE: After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” The person giving the greetings says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us. The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
Anyone who wishes to request any Requiem Services MUST inform the office by 1:30pm Wednesday the week before. If you also want to sponsor the Fellowship Hour you MUST call Merle Santerian at 215-947-3777.
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WE ASK THAT EVERYONE KINDLY TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES and all other such electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary out of respect for the sanctity of our services.