Sunday of the Steward

March 20, 2022
Sunday of the Steward
COVID UPDATE: Masks are recommended, but not required, Please use your best judgement.
STEWARDS oversaw the finances and all the affairs of the house for wealthy families of ancient times. The steward in this parable (often translated as the “shrewd manager”) is farsighted about his own welfare. When his master accuses him of wasteful ways, demanding an accounting and threatening his dismissal, the steward reduces the moneys owed to his master by others so that they might employ him should it come to that (he was actually lowering his own built-in commission in every negotiation). He is commended by the master. Although a challenging parable, it is easier to understand when we see that Jesus is asking us to be as diligent and ambitious about our spiritual welfare as we are about our worldly security (8-9). Reflection: What masters pull at you for allegiance?
Scripture Notes From Today’s Readings
Luke 16:1-31 – Parable of the Steward (1-13). Today’s reading also includes the renowned story of the unnamed rich man and Lazarus. The rich man ignores the poor and ailing Lazarus and after both have died, he sees that Lazarus is in heaven at Abraham’s side. Lamenting his own torment far from God, he asks that Lazarus be sent to warn his brothers of what can happen when they live selfish lives. Abraham tells him they had already been well informed by the Law and the Prophets so nothing more could help. Discuss/reflect: What do you think Jesus means when he says “No one can serve two masters” (13)? What “masters” pull you away from God? What makes it so difficult for people to be convinced of God’s ways?
Ephesians 4:17-5:14 St. Paul notes that ‘children of light’ must set aside past behaviors, having become renewed in Christ and created to be like God in true holiness (vv.23-24). The way of love excludes all the vices we might have once considered acceptable. Discuss/reflect: What specific ways does St. Paul cite as examples of “new self” behavior? (25: speak truthfully, 26: let go of anger quickly, 28: engage in useful work so we’re able to help others, 29: speak to build others up, 31: do not be bitter, or angry or slander others, 5:1: imitate God, 2: live a life of love, 3: avoid sexual immorality or any kind of impurity or greed, 7: avoid the people who encourage you to behave immorally.) Of those listed, what one behavior do you need God‘s help with?
Isaiah 56:1-57:21 Isaiah shares God’s exhortation to his people to maintain justice, do what is right, keep the holy day holy and welcome all people, even “outsiders,” removing obstacles in their way. To these he promises joy and blessings. He rails against the selfishness and ignorance of Israel’s leaders who seek their own gain with “mighty appetites.” Discuss/reflect: Why the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy? How do you dedicate the day to the Lord? Does your church family or your Sunday worship service present obstacles for someone of another background?
REQUIEM SERVICES: Hokehankist today will be for:
MARDIROS ERGENIAN requested by Markrid and Nazareth Keshishian; Arous Keshishian and Family.
THE RETURN OF THE MITCHINK LUNCHEON We are one week away from our Lenten Luncheon on Sunday, March 27 following Badarak (see detailed flyers in Narthex). Advance reservations would be appreciated by contacting Jeanette Der Hagopian (215-672-4188 or Ticket price per person is $20. Reservations can also be made online by going to The event includes a special program presented by Chris Zakian, Director of Communications for the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church. Hope to see you then!
PALM SUNDAY BANQUET: Sunday, April 10, 2022, is ACYOA DAY. Immediately following Church Services, ACYOA is sponsoring a Banquet. Donations: Adults $25.00 – Children ages 6 to 12 yrs. $8.00 – Children 5 and under Free. No tickets will be sold at the door. For reservations, please send in your check by the Deadline: April 3, 2022.
COUNTRY STORE – We invite you to come visit us after church most Sundays. See Liz or Jeanette. If you wish to place an order for pickup, contact Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465, and she can help you with that.
MEN‘S CLUB NEWS – The March 2022 “200 CLUB” drawing was completed on 3/6/22. You can see the results on our HTAC Website. Click on: Organizations, Men’s Club. –Congratulations to the Winners and Good Luck to the ticket holders for next month!
At a time like this, Armenians Must Stand Strong
Over the past few decades, we have seen great changes in Armenia. Nation-building and democracy are relatively new to our Third Republic of Armenia and it has not come without challenges or threats. We saw that with the Artsakh War of 2020. With your help, FAR has done its fair share for those who have been displaced by war. Whether it be through opportunities to build better livelihoods, to access shelter and education, or strengthen the infrastructure of Artsakh, we are already making a difference. These actions contribute toward making Armenia strong. It is at a time like this, when so many unpredictable things are happening in the world–things that could impact Armenia–that we need to remember the importance of standing with our brothers and sisters. Each of us can play a role in contributing to a greater nation through our support. It is through this support–this unity–that we can keep our motherland strong. To support Armenia today, go to
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @