Sunday of the Advent

March 17, 2024
Sunday of the Advent
Scripture Notes for Today’s Readings
This sixth and last Sunday of Lent is dedicated not only to the Second Coming of Christ but also to His Incarnation, God’s becoming Jesus, fully God and fully human. He will come again — this time not as the gentle and lowly Savior, but as a righteous judge in the glory of His Father with a retinue of angels. He will sift through the good and evil just as a shepherd separates the sheep and the goats at day’s end. Jesus declares (Matthew 25:31- 46) that we will be judged for acts of righteous goodness born of a loving faith. Did we feed the hungry? Console those in need of comfort, ease suffering? Only on this unequivocal basis, will we be received into eternal life. Reflection: Prayerfully read Matthew 25:31-46. Imagine that day of glory 0and visualize where you will be; pray for Jesus to open your heart that you might see His face “in the least of these.”
Scripture Notes from Today’s Readings
Matthew 22:34-23:39 – In these verses, Jesus summarizes the law in the two greatest commandments in which all the law and prophecies of the Old Testament can be summarized (22:36-40). In 23, there is an extended warning (the “seven woes”) against the vanities and false pieties of the Pharisees. The reading concludes with Jesus’ poignant lament for Jerusalem in which (23:37) – in one of the rare moments when a female metaphor for God is used – He yearns to protect its people as a “mother bird gathers her young under her wings.” Discuss/reflect: Why do you think Jesus asks us to love God (22:37) “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind?” What is distinct about each of these three ways of loving?
Colossians 2:8-3:17 – In a beautiful accompaniment to today’s Gospel, St. Paul urges us to depend on Christ rather than human tradition or worldly principles. Through baptism we have died with Him and are raised with Him into faith and a new way of living. That virtuous, good life is eloquently described in 3:12-17. Discuss/reflect: In Christ “you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (3:9-10) Comparing the “old” ways described in 3:5-8 with the “new” outlined in 3:12-17, how would you rate yourself? Where do you need more of God’s help?
Isaiah 66:1-24 – Isaiah conveys God’s promise of both restoration and judgment; His children will thrive and be comforted in a new Jerusalem. But those who persist in false worship and rebellion will be harshly judged. Again (as in the Gospel passage above), we are offered a beautiful female image: God will comfort His people as a mother does her child. Discuss/reflect: Isaiah shares these words of God in verse 13: “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.” God is more often described as a father; what shades of meaning does this picture of God as mother add to your understanding of His love?
REQUIEM SERVICES: Hokehankist today will be for:
- Mardiros Ergenian and Yester Ergenian requested by Markrid and Nazareth Keshishian; Arous Keshishian and Family.
- Kevork Mahserejian and Krikor Mahserejian requested by the Mahserejian Family.
Fellowship Today: As we continue through Lent, we look to simplify our Coffee Hour. Currently, we will only provide coffee and tea. We invite our parishioners to bring anything they would like to share on the Coffee Hour table.
Men’s Club News – The March drawing for the 200 Club was completed 3/10/2024. Please visit the HTAC Web site and click on Men’s Club for details on the winners.
Palm Sunday Banquet – Sunday, March 24, 2024, is ACYOA Day. Immediately following Church Services, ACYOA is sponsoring a Banquet. Donations: Adults $40.00 – Children ages 4 to 12 yrs. $15.00 – Children 3 and under Free. No tickets will be sold at the door. For reservations, please send in your check by the Deadline: March 17, 2024.
Purple and the Robe of Christ – Join us, via ZOOM, on Friday evening, March 22 at 7:00, as our Church School Superintendent, Leslie Movsesian, takes a look at the color of the Lenten season. She will guide us through the Scriptures on the events leading up to the sentencing of Jesus Christ and share a few pieces of art which depict those events. To receive the Zoom link, contact
Armenian Sisters Academy – The best way to learn about ASA is to experience it for yourself! Visit our campus to see how our deep appreciation for the Armenian language and culture empowers our students, promotes self-respect, and prepares future role models. All visitors must have a scheduled appointment and may not freely enter the building without prior notice. To schedule your private tour contact Legna Santerian at or (610) 687-4100.
Armenian Sisters Academy – In love with Golf? Come out, play, and support ASA! This year ASA’s Spring Scramble will once again take place at the beautiful Philmont Country Club located in Huntingdon Valley on Monday June 3rd. Join us for an exciting day of golf including delicious food, refreshing cocktails, fun raffles, cool prizes and more! Take advantage of the early bird pricing of $200 player if you sign up by 3/31. For registration and more information visit us online at
Stay Connected with our New Church Portal – Over the past several months Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church has changed to a new Church Management System called One Church. The new software puts you in control of your information (email, phone number, giving information, etc.), allows us to communicate with you more effectively, facilitates online, text, and app donations, and provides greater connectivity throughout our community. You should have received an email. If you have not gotten one (please make sure to check your spam folder), then reach out to the church office.
FAR’s Ayo! Platform is excited to launch a new project in partnership with Teach for Armenia (TFA). TFA is committed to improving education for children all over the country by enlisting exceptional university graduates to teach in under-resourced village schools for two-year terms. When Azerbaijan was attacked last September, Ayo! was partnering with TFA to fund teacher-leaders in Artsakh, who were committed to teaching children under blockade. Following the forced displacement, Ayo! put the project on hold. Now they are restarting the campaign and funding two displaced teachers from Artsakh ($5000 for each) for one year. Ayo!’s goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of February. Support Tigran and Alise (and the students they serve!) here:
Humanitarian Support for Artsakh Ongoing From The Knights And Daughters Of Vartan – As the Azeri government still cracks down on the Armenian people in the nation of Artsakh, the people are not giving up! Please consider making a donation to the Knights and Daughters of Vartan Call to Action Committee! Donations will go towards humanitarian aid. For further information please visit the Knights and Daughters of Vartan website @
Mail your donations to Knights of Vartan, Mr. Ronald Nazeley, Treasurer, 558 Kentwood Bluffs Drive, Los Angeles 90045.
Checks should be made to Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Memo: Artsakh, and brought or mailed to church. Online donations can be made by going to, go to donations, scroll down to Open Donation and enter Artsakh.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity continues to seek multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @
Mar 20 – Wednesday, 7 pm, Zoom Bible Study with Fr. Hakob
Mar 24 – Palm Sunday
Mar 28 – Holy Thursday
Mar 29 – Holy Friday
Mar 30 – Easter Eve and Fellowship
Mar 31 – Easter Sunday
Apr 14 – Armenian Tree Project Presentation – During coffee hour