August 13, 2023
Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God
In the absence of Fr. Hakob who is in Armenia, we are pleased to inform our faithful that our guest celebrant today will be Rev. Fr. Arshen Aivazian. Orhnya Der, Der Hayr. We hope our faithful will attend church to welcome Fr. Arshen and hear his Pastoral message. He will be accompanied by Yn. Sirarpi.
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
Isaiah 7:10-16 In His ongoing communication with Ahaz, King of Judah (under attack from Syria and Israel), God asks him to request a sign regarding his fate. Ahaz refuses, thinking this would blasphemously test God. Exasperated, Isaiah reveals the sign: that a young woman would bear a child, that He would be called Immanuel (God with us) and that before He grew to maturity those attacking Judah would have ceased to exist. Discuss/reflect: What situation are you facing that frightens you now? On a scale of 1 to10, how trusting are you of God for help and guidance?
Gal 3:29-4:7 In these verses, beautifully linked by the word “heir” in the first and last lines of the textual unit, St. Paul declares that now that we belong to Christ, we are His rightful heirs. As children, we were once no better than the slaves on any estate, tethered to the world’s ways. But “when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law…” (4:4) that we might receive the “full rights of sons.” Discuss/reflect: In verse 6 we have been granted the unthinkable privilege of looking upon the Creator of the Universe as our father. How does knowing that you are a child of God change how you look at your life?
Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel visits Mary with the news of her impending role as mother of Jesus (Asdvadzadzin, lit. “bearer” of God). In one of the most famous encounters in the Gospels, depicted in countless works of art and literature, Mary responds humbly but immediately to God’s call to a miraculous service. This has made many consider Mary to be the first of the apostles, the first to be “called and sent out” on God’s behalf. Discuss/reflect: In what areas of your life do you need to feel that “nothing is impossible with God?” (v.37) What keeps you from believing this?
Today is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Mother of God
The oldest of feasts associated with St. Mary, Assumption is celebrated on the Sunday nearest August 15 and commemorates the taking up into heaven (“assumption”) of the Holy Mother at her death. Tradition relates that Mary lived another 15 years after our Lord’s crucifixion. St. Bartholomew, the only apostle absent from Jerusalem when St. Mary died, asked to visit her tomb upon his return a short while after she was buried. When the tomb was unsealed, her body was gone and angels were heard singing for three days and three nights. The blessing of grapes is associated with this feast day. Grapes are the “first fruit” of the harvest, a reference to Jesus Himself and to St. Mary as the first apostle and witness to the new covenant. Grapes are also made into the wine of Communion. Reflection: All Christians cherish and honor Mary. Read more about her in Luke 1:39 through chapter 2 and then John 2:1-11.
NOTICE: Starting August 14th, the two bathrooms near the elevator will be unavailable while they are being remodeled. They are expected to reopen by September 3rd. Pardon the inconvenience while we make the area better for everyone. Thank you.
Blessing of the Grapes: A sincere thank-you to all of our parishioners and friends who donated toward the grapes, which is a long-standing tradition in the Armenian Church on the Feast of the Assumption.
Coffee Hour Today: There will be a coffee hour today.
Far Update: Ayo has just launched its new project #HikingForAll! ARI, a local mountaineering group, and Arvestaran, a center for children with special needs, have teamed up to design a hiking program specifically tailored for children on the autism spectrum. This is a first of its kind initiative in Armenia, where inclusion is slowly blossoming. In addition to trips, the team will organize trainings to ensure that more Armenian guides can work effectively and in a dignifying manner with kids with special needs. Nature is for everyone! Learn more and contribute to the movement here: www.weareayo.org/home.
Attention Graduates! The next issue of the LOOYS will feature our graduates (all levels) and we invite you to submit your own details for inclusion. Write-up should include: full name, parents’ names, name of institution, grade level or degree achieved, activity involvement (church or school), and future plans (further education/work/other). Please include a picture (in high resolution color), if possible. Everything should be sent to choirboss@hotmail.com by August 15, 2023.
~~~~~~~~~~TODAY’S EVENTS~~~~~~~~~~
Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother-Of-God (Grapes Blessing)
Aug 15 – Deadline for graduation submissions for the next LOOYS
Aug 20 – Guest Celebrant will be Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Diocesan Legate and Ecumenical Director of the Eastern Diocese
Aug 27 – Guest Celebrant will be Father Mamigon Kiledjian
Sept 10 – Blessing of Grandparents
Sept 17 – Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Sept 21 – Armenian Independence Day
Sept 21 – Zoom Book Club
Sept 24 – Church School Begins
- 10:30 am – Registration for Christian Education Classes and Language Education Classes starts in the Fellowship Hall lobby
- 11:15 am – Christian Education Classes begin.
- 12:15 pm – Pizza Party for students
Oct 1 – Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak
Oct 1 – 10:30 – Armenian Language Classes begin
Oct 1 – 11:15 am Christian Education Classes continue
On the occasion of the Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rite of the Blessing of Grapes, the following have made donations to our Church
Dawn Chakmaklian
Gregory & Maria Javardian
Joe & Tina LaRose
David & Terri Mears
Karine & Samvel Nersisyan
Victoria Shakarjian
Richard and Linda Vishab
In Memory of Diramayr Serbouhi Arzoumanian by Hagop Arzoumanian
In Memory of Sarkis & Dorothy Baldadian by Ruth Melian
In Memory of Doretta Basmajian Aslanian by Steven Aslanian
In Memory of Vahan Boyajian and Janice Pinkerton by Florence Boyajian
In Memory of Ann Chopoorian, Mary Chopoorian, Bertha Rashoian, Virginia Der Hagopian, Melena Ayjian and Rita Chopoorian by Jeanette Der Hagopian and family
In Memory of Robert Sahag Damerjian by Lorraine Damerjian
In Honor of Jeanette Der Hagopian by Kim & Gena (Der Hagopian) Willard
In Memory of Mother Mary Der Der Harutounian and Mother-In-Law Maria Aznavuryan and their souls by Armenoui Aznavuryan
In Memory of Hayarpie Garbian & Regina Quinn by Dr. Garo & Cecelia Garibian
In Honor of Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan by Arpie and Nuver Zerounian
In Memory of Andrew & Rosemary Hachadorian by Rose Garibian
In Memory of Haigazian & Murray Families by Berjoohy Murray
In Honor of the Holy Trinity Family by Rev. Fr. Hakob & Yn. Anna Gevorgyan
In Memory of Naomi & Albert Kapeghian by Barbara and Tom Harmon
In Memory of my grandparents Albert & Naomi Kapeghian by Jaclyn King
In Memory of Naomi & Albert Kapeghian by Robert & Janice King
In Memory of Paul S & Margaret Kazanjian and Ardashes & Sara Kaiserian by Ed & Carol Kaiserian & Family
In Memory of Ardelle, Arsen, Jon and Nicolas Kashkashian by Ronald A. Kashkashian
In Memory of Patrick Killian, John & Dorothy Chalikian by Joyce Killian
In Memory of Mary Mirakian, Lula Brann, Naomi Antaramian, Rose Minassian, Margaret Ohanian, Marta Mirakian, Yn. Ovsanna Minassian and Ann Sahagian by David & Marta Brann
In Memory and Honor of John Mirijanian by Jan Diran Mirijanian
In Honor of our daughter Marina Nalbandian by Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Nalbandian
In Memory of Armen Mirakian by Charlene & Jon Simonian
In Memory of Elizabeth & Souren Sadjian by Ernie & Chris Sadjian-Peacock
In Memory of Asadoor & Mary Sarajian and Deran & Anna Chopoorian by Larry & Kim Der Hagopian
In Memory of Nishan & Hamest Sekdorian by Garo and Bertha Sekdorian
In Memory of John & Rose Serabian, Ned Santerian, Corinne Santerian Moore, Edward & Rose Karnikian, Michael & Rose Santerian, Elinor Hare by Merle Santerian
In Memory of Fran Torcomian and in Honor of Veronica Torcomian by Tom Torcomian
In Memory of Aivazian and Torossian Families by Alice and Karnig Torossian
In Memory of Archbishop Papken Varjabedian by Michael & Tanya Paretchan
In Memory of Rimma Yegiazarova by Vlad & Kristina Badgasarian
In Memory of Edward L. Zarzatian, Jr. by Fred & Janet Jordan & Family
In Memory of Edward Zarzatian, Jr. by Rosemarie Zarzatian