Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God

August 15, 2021
Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God
COVID UPDATE: As the law in Montgomery County has evolved, people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can resume indoor and outdoor activities without wearing a mask or socially distancing. Masks are still required for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in crowded indoor areas. Please exercise your best judgment and caring for everyone in our Church community.
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
Isaiah 7:10-16 In His ongoing communication with Ahaz, King of Judah (under attack from Syria and Israel), God asks him to request a sign regarding his fate. Ahaz refuses, thinking this would blasphemously test God. Exasperated, Isaiah reveals the sign: that a young woman would bear a child, that He would be called Immanuel (God with us) and that before He grew to maturity those attacking Judah would have ceased to exist. Discuss/reflect: What situation are you facing that frightens you now? On a scale of 1 to10, how trusting are you of God for help and guidance?
Gal 3:29-4:7 In these verses, beautifully linked by the word “heir” in the first and last lines of the textual unit, St. Paul declares that now that we belong to Christ, we are His rightful heirs. As children, we were once no better than the slaves on any estate, tethered to the world’s ways. But “when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law…” (4:4) that we might receive the “full rights of sons.” Discuss/reflect: In verse 6 we have been granted the unthinkable privilege of looking upon the Creator of the Universe as our father. How does knowing that you are a child of God change how you look at your life?
Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel visits Mary with the news of her impending role as mother of Jesus (Asdvadzadzin, lit. “bearer” of God). In one of the most famous encounters in the Gospels, depicted in countless works of art and literature, Mary responds humbly but immediately to God’s call to a miraculous service. This has made many consider Mary to be the first of the apostles, the first to be “called and sent out” on God’s behalf. Discuss/reflect: In what areas of your life do you need to feel that “nothing is impossible with God?” (v.37) What keeps you from believing this?
Today is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Mother of God
The oldest of feasts associated with St. Mary, Assumption is celebrated on the Sunday nearest August 15 and commemorates the taking up into heaven (“assumption”) of the Holy Mother at her death. Tradition relates that Mary lived another 15 years after our Lord’s crucifixion. St. Bartholomew, the only apostle absent from Jerusalem when St. Mary died, asked to visit her tomb upon his return a short while after she was buried. When the tomb was unsealed, her body was gone and angels were heard singing for three days and three nights. The blessing of grapes is associated with this feast day. Grapes are the “first fruit” of the harvest, a reference to Jesus Himself and to St. Mary as the first apostle and witness to the new covenant. Grapes are also made into the wine of Communion. Reflection: All Christians cherish and honor Mary. Read more about her in Luke 1:39 through chapter 2 and then John 2:1-11.
Department of Christian Education/Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) elisea@armeniandiocese.org
“Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” (1 Tim 2:8). Prayers are requested for the families of the soldiers killed in the 44-day Artsakh war, the soldiers who are struggling through catastrophic injuries suffered, and those who are still being held as prisoners of war all these months later; Ethel Terzian, Taron Poghosyan, Alice Charles, Leslie Movsesian, Larry Grocott, Doris Alahverde and Genevieve Miller.
New Parish Directory
We are preparing an in-house Parish Directory, updating, correcting, adding many new names of those who consider themselves members, of Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Cheltenham, Pa.We plan to complete and distribute this directory by the end of 2021. Therefore, we ask that you fill out the form online at https://holytrinity-pa.org/parish-directory-update. Please do so no later than August 16, 2021. If a response is not received by the requested date, it is possible your listing will not be included in this new Directory.
FELLOWSHIP TODAY – We welcome everyone to join us in Santerian Hall following the Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of Grapes Service as we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God. We look forward to being together after a long absence.
COUNTRY STORE IS OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS: We are well stocked in our store and invite you to come in after church most Sundays or place an order for pickup with Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465.
HOLY TRINITY ZOOM BOOK CLUB will meet on Thursday, September 16 at 7:00 pm to discuss “Educated,” a memoir by Tara Westover. The conversation will be facilitated by Nancy Hovnanian. All those interested are asked to contact nancybasmajian@verizon.net to receive the Zoom link.
On the occasion of the Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rite of the Blessing of Grapes, the following have made donations to our Church:
*Victoria Shakarjian
*Gay Hagopian
*Berjoohy Murray
*Ayshe Chakmaklian
*Richard and Linda Vishab
*Greg, Maria, Krikor, Alex, Ani and Alexis Javardian
*In memory of Hermine Bogosian and in honor of Armand Bogosian by Paul G. Bogosian
*In memory of James & Susan Vosbikian and Jacob & Virginia Der Hagopian by Mr. & Mrs. Gary Der Hagopian
*In memory of Hagop Jack Ekizian by Drs. Stephanie Ekizian & Steven Balint and Family
*In memory of Naomi & Albert Kapeghian by Barbara and Tom Harmon
*In memory of Armen J. Alahverde Sr. by Doris E. Alahverde
*In memory of Anna & Haroutoun Kazigian, Vera Kazigian,Victoria & Yeznig Kazigian, Richard Kazigian, Alma Altoonian, Hripsime & Hagop Altoonian & Joseph Carr by Gary and Eileen Altoonian
*In memory of mother, Ann Chopoorian and grandmothers, Bertha Rashoian & Mary Chopoorian by Jeanette Der Hagopian.
*In memory of Barbara Jerrahian Kumkumian by Carol Jerrahian
*In honor of the Injaian, Torigian & Manvelian Families by Mary Torigian Injaian
*In memory of David & Tevolinda Damerjian and Nubar & Araxie Hintlian by Robert and Lorraine Damerjian
*In memory of Edward Zarzatian by Fred & Janet Jordan
*In memory of Berj & Edward Yeretzian by Mary Yeretzian
*In memory of Albert & Florence Dandegian, Michael & Rose Karabian and Ruth DeStefano by Albert Dandegian Jr.
*In memory of Elizabeth & Souren Sadjian by Chris & Ernie Sadjian-Peacock
*In memory of Mary & Sooren Paretchan by Michael & Tanya Paretchan
*In memory of Hayarpie Garbian & Jean Quinn by Garo & Cecelia Garibian
*In memory of John & Rose Serabian, Edward & Rose Karnikian, Ned Santerian & Dr. Corrine Santerian Moore, Aravney Minassain, Anteram Toulian & Edward Toulian by Merle Santerian
*In memory of Patrick Killian, John & Dorothy Chalikian by Joyce Killian
*In memory of George Papazian (father), Margaret Zoolalian Papazian (mother) & Charles Papazian (brother) by Barbara Papazian
*In honor of Marie Gingras by Robert and Elizabeth Barone
*In memory of the Jamgochian Family by Mary and Pearl Jamgochian
*In memory of Mary Panjarjian &Harie Aznavuryan & in honor of Aznavuryan & Panjarjian Families by Armenoui Aznavuryan
*In memory of Robert Temoyan, Berjouhe Paroongian Gallo & Angel Yeretzian by Carol Temoyan
*In memory of Fran Torcomian by Thomas Torcomian
*In memory of Mary & Jack Pogdikian by Rosemarie Zarzatian
*In memory of Garabed & Kayane Goushian by Berj and Suzanne Goushian
*In memory of Uliyane` Parooonagian by Michael & Lynn Hajatian
*In memory of Paul & Greta Chrekjian by Doris Kodikiian
*In memory of Bagrad & Mary Boursalian and Ronald N. Gooshian by Ani Gooshian
*In memory of Hermine Bennuhan by Sarkis Hashas
*In memory of Boyajian Family by Florence Boyajian
*In memory of our beloved parents by Garo and Bertha Sekdorian
*In memory of Ayvazian & Torossian Families by Alice and Karnig Torossian
*In memory of Theodore & Dolores Barasatian by Jeff Barasatian
*In memory of Armenag & Valentina Kashkashian by Ronald A. Kashkashian
* In memory of Mary Mirakian, on her name day, Lula Brann, Naomi Antaramian, Rose Minassian, Margaret Ohanian, Marta Mirakian & Yn. Ovsanna Minassian by David and Marta Brann
*In memory of Diramayr Serpouhi Arzoumanian by Hagop Arzoumanian
*In memory of Mike & Rose Karabian by Ms. Alice Karabian
*In memory of Jivair & Elizabeth Hovnanian & Diran Shakarjian by Stephen & Nancy Hovnanian
*In memory of her cousin Suzan Garabedian & In honor of her cousin Arshalous Sozkes by Markrid & Nazareth Keshishian
*For a Special Thanksgiving by Ms. Angel Tookmanian
*In memory of John Mirijanian by Jan Diran Mirijanian
ASA OPEN HOUSE: Interested in finding out more about ASA for your child? We welcome the opportunity to meet with you, answer any questions and guide your family through the admissions process. Though our campus is open, due to safety concerns in light of COVID-19 we are unable to welcome visitors to campus during school hours. We have transitioned our spring open house and tours into virtual zoom/phone meetings as well as after-hours tours. Email Legna Santerian at lsanterian@asaphila.org to schedule a tour – just for your family!
We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to the Armenian Sisters Academy!
Check out our video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wevb1U3tAnI