Barekendan of the Fast of Advent

November 18, 2018
Barekendan of the Fast of Advent
TODAY, we welcome as our Celebrant The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, our newly-elected Primate, who will making his first pastoral visit to us. Hayr Daniel will also deliver the homily and preside over our celebratory banquet. Asdvadz Oknagan, Hayr Soorp.
Greatness: The World vs. the Kingdom of God
The Disciples, those closest to Jesus, were arguing among themselves who was the greatest. Jesus being the master at addressing such issues uses a nearby child as an object lesson. What qualities of a child does Jesus want us to consider? A child is trusting, vulnerable, and dependent. When a child suffers, they admit they are helpless, and without question, they immediately seek their parents. A child is humble, not prideful, and it is pride that keeps us from recognizing our need for a Savior.
Another virtue we associate with a child is an openness to love and to be loved. In Orthodox theology, we affirm our creation in the image of God. We do not teach that we are born as sinful beings; rather we are born, perhaps as close in communion with God as we will ever be in this life, similar to the connection an infant has with its mother. Why? Because as we get older and move beyond the innocence of childhood, we adopt insecurities, define ourselves with false identities, and build walls between each other, between God and us.
Returning to the argument between the Disciples, on an earthly level, in first-century Palestine, and even today in our own society, the idea of success was measured by courage, eagerness to get ahead, wealth, power, accomplishment, rank, and popularity. Ambition is the virtue of greatness. But Jesus teaches a different way, and note that He Himself did not meet the requirements of earthly success. Read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-10 or II Corinthians 12:9-11.
The Kingdom of God is counterintuitive, and entrance into His Kingdom requires a paradigm with Christ at the center rather than us. In many ways, this is opposite to our way of thinking. Self-elevation is not the way of the Kingdom. To be the least is to not think highly of oneself. That kind of confidence may be admired in an earthly paradigm, but in God’s Kingdom we are all equally dependent and desperate for a Savior. A Savior who promises we will receive Him by experiencing His healing and salvation.
How often do our hearts reflect that of the Disciples?
By Dn. Eric Vozzy
- Philippians 1: 1-11 (page 178) New Testament
- Luke 9: 44-50 (page 64) New Testament – (Please follow the Armenian Reading in your Bible)
- Isaiah 25: 9-26:7 (page 702) Old Testament
REQUIEM SERVICES: Karasoonk (40th Day memorial Service) today will be for:
- Rima Anenkova on the 40th Day of Her eternal life requested by The Anenkov Family.
Hokehankist today will be for:
- Robert Sarkisian for his birthday requested with lots of love Mary Sarkisian.
“Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing” (1Tim 2:8). Please pray for Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Anto Vartanian, Annabelle Alexanian, Alice Charles, Armenoui Aznavuryan and Pearl Jamgochian for a return to better health and to feel the presence of God in their lives. Pray for our country and her leaders so that peace and kindness will prevail; for our children in their schools – that they may continue their education in a safe environment. Pray also especially for the families of the more than fifty people who have lost their lives, as well as their homes, in the deadliest of fires in California history. Include in your prayers those firefighters who have been risking their lives to help contain the fires. “Spread your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.” (Ps 5:11)
Coffee Hour: NO coffee hour today due to the Banquet.
SCRIPTURE AND SHNORHALI REDUX: Our Adult Christian Education (ACE) ministry is pleased to announce another opportunity for our faithful to examine the writings of St. Nersess Shnorhali (the Grace-filled), one of the most beloved and celebrated saints of the Armenian Church. If you missed the introductory series back in July, don’t fret; that series was not a pre-requisite. We will meet at church on three consecutive Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 beginning on November 6. Participants will discover the many biblical images and references that come alive in his work—most especially his popular hymns. Our guides will be Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan (who will be singing for us!) and Deacon Albert Keshgegian. We urge you to take advantage of this unique program and, as always, we encourage you to bring a friend. To register, contact Nancy Basmajian at 215-722-3369 or Flyers are available in the narthex and the church lobby.
FINAL DAY TO BRING IN YOUR SHOEBOX – if you haven’t already done so. Thank you to everyone who provided joy & hope to a child in a faraway country by filling a Christmas shoebox or contributing to this ministry.
As of now, the bridge reconstruction project at Tookany Creek Parkway and Ashmead Road has been postponed.
When we get more details and a timeline, we will update everyone. For now, the roads to reach the church are NOT blocked.
2018 Attendance: Plate/Candle Collection:
2 – 57 people $231.00
9 – 113 people $616.00
16 – 97 people $528.00
23 – 79 people $400.00
30 – 111 people $504.00
Weekly Expenses: $6,000.00
CHURCH CALENDAR (please mark your calendars)
Friday Nov 16 Shish Kebab Dinner & Hye Hold’em Tournament
Sunday Nov 18 Banquet
Tuesday Nov 20 (Tuesday morning): Scripture and ShnorhaliDecember
Sunday Dec 16 Lunch with Santa
Sunday Dec 30 Pomegranate SundayJanuary
Saturday Jan 5 Theophany Eve and Fellowship
Using the Pew Book: In order to enrich understanding of the Divine Liturgy, we encourage our faithful to follow along in the large two-part Pew Book. Part One includes the classical Armenian used in the Liturgy; the facing page is the translation in modern Western Armenian. Part Two contains the transliteration of the classical Armenian; the right-hand page has the English translation. This Pew Book includes the prayers of the celebrant usually offered inaudibly. The prayers offered aloud are indicated in boldface type.
> Non-Disabled Persons parking spaces are designated with white lines.
> Disabled Persons Parking spaces are designated with blue lines and are reserved for vehicles with a State-authorized disability placard or license plate.
> No parking is allowed in the driveway nearest to the kitchen door.
THANK YOU for your cooperation!
THE NICENE CREED/ HAVADAMK – This is the Profession of our Faith which is recited every Sunday moments after the Gospel is read from the altar. Sometimes it is sung, but more often it is recited by the Deacons and/or the Choir. We invite you to affirm your own “Profession of Faith” by reciting along with us. God longs for all of us to express our faith and devotion to Him.
THE KISS OF PEACE: After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” The person giving the greetings says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us. The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
Anyone who wishes to request any Requiem Services MUST inform the office by 1:30pm Wednesday the week before. If you also want to sponsor the Fellowship Hour you MUST call Merle Santerian at 215-947-3777.
Would you like to:
– receive this Bulletin on Friday via email?
– request a Hokehankist, house blessing or hall rental information?
– find in-depth information on our faith, our parish and our activities?
– sign up for an event online?
– If the answer to any of these questions is YES, please visit our parish website at
WE ASK THAT EVERYONE KINDLY TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES and all other such electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary out of respect for the sanctity of our services.