Badarak Pilot Program

I am writing to inform you that Holy Trinity is one of five parishes chosen to participate in an experimental Diocesan initiative entitled “Worship and Formation.” It consists of a streamlined Divine Liturgy and Christian education.
Very simply, on the four Sundays in April (3, 10, 17, and 24) we are asking you to arrive at church by 10:00 a.m. At that time, children will attend their Christian education classes as usual and all adults will take part in a short adult education program in the church hall. The theme is An Introduction to Worship in the Armenian Church and will be facilitated by our deacons.
Following the educational program, our entire Church family will participate in the Divine Liturgy (75 minutes) together. Students in grade 1 and above will worship with their families; younger children (Pre-school and Kindergarten) will remain in class. PLEASE NOTE: Language instruction will take place following Liturgy during coffee fellowship.
At the end of the April experiment, we will be asking for your feedback; this information will be forwarded to the Diocese to determine whether this new worship/education model is a viable Sunday morning option for our parishes.
Once again, we will follow this schedule on Sundays, April 3, 10, 17 and 24:
10:00-10:30 Educational Programming (children in classrooms; adults in hall)
10:45-12:00 Divine Liturgy
Coffee Fellowship to follow (language instruction in classrooms)
We are honored to be one of the parishes entrusted by the Diocese to conduct a trial run of this new model, and your cooperation will be invaluable. We are hopeful that this experience will make worship more meaningful for our people and promote adult faith formation throughout our Diocese. I pray that you and your family leave Badarak feeling closer to Christ and in harmony with your fellow worshippers.
With prayers during this blessed Easter season,
Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan