Sixth Sunday of Eastertide

May 5, 2024
Sixth Sunday of Eastertide
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
John 9:39-10:10 Jesus describes himself as the Gate through which his sheep pass, following the voice of the One they know. Whoever enters by this Gate, will “find pasture..and be saved.” (v.9) Discuss/reflect: Jesus describing himself as the Gate is one of the famous “I am’s” of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus provides a number of images which express his character. In verse 11, he is “the good shepherd.” What do the images of “gate” and “good shepherd” tell you about Jesus? What images could you add that would describe who he is to you?
Acts 20:17-38 St. Paul touches the hearts of the church elders in Ephesus with his eloquent farewell. Predicting an uncertain fate, Paul declares his life meaningless save for the task of witnessing to God’s power and grace. He asks these leaders to be good shepherds to their flock, as “wolves” will surely be on the prowl. He exhorts them to always work hard for the less fortunate. Discuss/reflect: St. Paul asks the Ephesians to think back on his time with them as a testimony to God’s grace (vv 18, 24). If someone watched you in action, what would they assume a Christian lifestyle is like? How would you like to change so they can get a better picture?
1 John 3:2-6 John relates that Christians are not fully who they will become with God’s grace. And yet only those who truly know Christ can come close to living a life without sin. If we continue to sin, how can we say we know Jesus? Discuss/reflect: In what ways do you habitually “keep on sinning” (v. 6)? Thoughtless anger? Envy? Lack of charity? Unforgiving spirit? What might these habits be saying about your walk with Jesus?
Thursday, May 9th, is the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus In Acts 1:1-11, we read a full account of Jesus’ ascension (see After having appeared to the disciples frequently during a forty-day period, Jesus told them to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift he had promised: the Holy Spirit. When asked by his devoted followers when he would return to “restore the kingdom to Israel” (still thinking of an earthly one), Jesus told them it was not known, but that they should continue to witness to him “in Jerusalem… and to the ends of the earth.” He was then taken up before their eyes. Two angelic figures appeared nearby as they watched their Lord disappear into the clouds. They assured the disciples that he would indeed return in the very same way. Reflection: Read Acts 1:1-11 and imagine yourself one of Jesus’ followers. You have heard him promise the power of the Holy Spirit and ask you to be his witness to the ends of the earth. Now you watch as he ascends to heaven. What are you feeling? Hoping? What are your fears?
The Kiss of Peace – After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” The person giving the greetings says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us. The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
Requiem Services: Hokehankist Today Will Be For:
Harry Vahan Injaian requested in loving memory by Mrs. Mary Injaian, Mr. Michael Injaian and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Injaian and Family for their beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.
Spring is here and Ayo! has just launched its new project “Put Down Roots.” In partnership with the Yerevan Botanical Gardens, the project aims to create an educational-therapeutic horticulture space to provide opportunities for forcibly displaced children (and others) to get their hands dirty, de-stress and learn about the environment! Once built, this special section of the botanical gardens will be available for children and youth for years to come. You can directly support the initiative here: More good news – the ACYOA Central Council has generously agreed to donate half of the proceeds of their upcoming Bishop’s 5k toward project “Put Down Roots.” Register to run/walk either in-person or virtually (as in, participate from wherever you are located) in the 5k here:
Armenian Sisters Academy – The best way to learn about ASA is to experience it for yourself! Visit our campus to see how our deep appreciation for the Armenian language and culture empowers our students, promotes self-respect, and prepares future role models. All visitors must have a scheduled appointment and may not freely enter the building without prior notice. To schedule your private tour contact Legna Santerian at or (610) 687-4100.
Armenian Sisters Academy – In love with Golf? Come out, play, and support ASA! This year ASA’s Spring Scramble will once again take place at the beautiful Philmont Country Club located in Huntingdon Valley on Monday June 3rd. Join us for an exciting day of golf including delicious food, refreshing cocktails, fun raffles, cool prizes and more! For registration and more information visit us online at
Stay Connected with our New Church Portal – Over the past several months Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church has changed to a new Church Management System called One Church. The new software puts you in control of your information (email, phone number, giving information, etc.), allows us to communicate with you more effectively, facilitates online, text, and app donations, and provides greater connectivity throughout our community. You should have received an email. If you have not gotten one (please make sure to check your spam folder), then reach out to the church office.
Humanitarian Support for Artsakh Ongoing From The Knights And Daughters Of Vartan – As the Azeri government still cracks down on the Armenian people in the nation of Artsakh, the people are not giving up! Please consider making a donation to the Knights and Daughters of Vartan Call to Action Committee! Donations will go towards humanitarian aid. For further information please visit the Knights and Daughters of Vartan website at
Mail your donations to Knights of Vartan, Mr. Ronald Nazeley, Treasurer, 558 Kentwood Bluffs Drive, Los Angeles 90045.
Checks should be made to Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Memo: Artsakh, and brought or mailed to church. Online donations can be made by going to, go to donations, scroll down to Open Donation and enter Artsakh.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity continues to seek multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian at
The Nicene Creed/ Havadamk – This is the Profession of our Faith which is recited every Sunday moments after the Gospel is read from the altar. Sometimes it is sung, but more often it is recited by the Deacons and/or the Choir. We invite you to affirm your own “Profession of Faith” by reciting along with us. God longs for all of us to express our faith and devotion to Him.
~~~~~~~~~~TODAY’S EVENTS~~~~~~~~~~
Church School Graduation Ceremony and Closing Day
May 08 Bible Study with Fr. Hakob resumes
May 12 Mother’s Day
May 19 Celebration Banquet with guest His Grace Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan
Today is the last day to get your tickets for the Celebration Banquet with guest His Grace Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan
Sign up here