January 28, 2024
Fourth Sunday After the Octave of Theophany
Scripture Notes For Today’s Readings:
John 6:22-38 Having witnessed the miracle of Jesus feeding thousands with just a few loaves and fish, the people eagerly seek him, asking: ‘What other miraculous sign will you give us? Will it be like the manna God sent down to our ancestors in the wilderness?’ Jesus answers that he offers more than physical sustenance. He is the true bread from heaven: “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will never go hungry.” (v.35) Discuss/reflect: Bread is a symbol for the physical food we need to live. What kind of hunger do you think Jesus is talking about when he says we will “never be hungry again?” What worldly hungers distract you from the nourishment only Jesus can provide?
2 Tim 3:1-12 St. Paul warns Timothy of false teachers who might appear godly and yet their behavior will reveal their character (v. 8: Jannes and Jambres were Egyptian court magicians at the time of Moses, false teachers themselves). He also declares that following Christ is not easy! (v.12) For many, it will be easier to be selfish, greedy, unforgiving, unloving, ungrateful and vain pleasure-seekers (vv 2-4). Discuss/reflect: Do the disagreeable qualities listed in vv 2-4 figure in today’s world? Are there times you display a “form of godliness” (v 5) without the inner heart for God?
Is 63:7-18 Almost Psalm-like in structure, these verses recall God’s saving actions in the past (such as the Exodus), acknowledge the sins of Israel, and end with a plea for mercy. Discuss/reflect: In verse 7, the prophet sings “of the kindnesses of the Lord.” Make such a list from what you observe in the world, in others, and in your own life.
The Kiss of Peace – After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” The person giving the greetings says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us. The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
The Nicene Creed/ Havadamk – This is the Profession of our Faith which is recited every Sunday moments after the Gospel is read from the altar. Sometimes it is sung, but more often it is recited by the Deacons and/or the Choir. We invite you to affirm your own “Profession of Faith” by reciting along with us. God longs for all of us to express our faith and devotion to Him.
Altar flowers are donated today by Margo Silk and family in memory of Edward & Elsie Parnagian and Sam Silk.
REQUIEM SERVICES: Hokehankist today will be for:
Edward & Elsie Parnagian and Sam Silk requested in loving memory by Margo Silk and family.
Archbishop Papken Varjabedian, Kegham & Sonig Varjabedian, Shahe Varjabedian, and Hagop & Miriam Varjabedian requested by the Paretchan, Garibian, and Javardian Families.
Karapet & Hayarpi Garibian and Niaz Karabian requested by the Paretchan, Garibian, and Javardian Families.
Sooren & Mary Paretchan (10 years) and Judy Paretchan (1 year) requested by Robert & Diane Paretchan, Donald Paretchan, Michael & Tanya Paretchan, and Families.
Antranik & Virginia Javardian and Andre Javardian requested by Greg & Maria Javardian and Family.
Richard & Evelyn Weinsheimer requested by Greg & Maria Javardian and Family.
The ladies of Holy Trinity continue to honor the women who came before us. This Sunday we request Hokehankist for Diramayr Aivazian, Susan Paroonagian, Angel Yeretzian, Dorothy Gooshian, Mary Minassian & Rose Minassian.
Fellowship Today: As we approach the beginning of Lent, we look to simplify our Coffee Hour. Currently, we will only provide coffee and tea. We invite our parishioners to bring anything they would like to share on the Coffee Hour table.
Reminder – According to the Diocesan Bylaws, membership dues are to be paid no later than December 31st each year in order to be a member in “good standing” and to be eligible to vote at the annual assembly. Any monies received after that date will be applied to 2024. For any questions regarding your status, please call the church office.
Annual Parish Assembly – Scheduled for February 25, 2024. If an alternative date is needed, it will be scheduled for March 2024.
Poon Paregentan Carnival: February 11, 2024 following services in the church hall. Please plan to join us for food, music, crafts and games. Adults are $15.00 per person, children (ages 5-17) are free. RSVP by February 4, 2024 to Everyone is welcome.
Men’s Club News – The January drawing for the 200 Club was completed earlier this month. Please visit the HTAC Web site for details on the winners. Thank you.
Blessing of Marriages: Sunday February 11, married couples of all ages are invited to participate in a brief blessing service after Badarak. The ceremony, which has become an annual tradition at Holy Trinity, is intended to honor the relationship of husband and wife and is an opportunity for couples to rededicate that relationship to God and his sacred purposes. We look forward to seeing our entire church family present to witness the ceremony.
Emergency Closings – In an effort to inform parishioners and friends when a Holy Trinity church service or program needs to be canceled or delayed due to inclement weather or other reasons, we request that you check our website ( or facebook page ( for the most accurate information
Zoom Book Club – The Holy Trinity Book Club continues to attract readers since its debut in January of 2021, a creation of our Adult Christian Education ministry. The next selection is an American classic: MY ANTONIA by Willa Cather. The discussion will be facilitated by Suzanne Sherenian on Thursday, February 22. Grab a flyer from the narthex for more information about the novel and how to receive the Zoom link (02/04)
Humanitarian Support for Artsakh Ongoing From The Knights And Daughters Of Vartan – As the Azeri government still cracks down on the Armenian people in the nation of Artsakh, the people are not giving up! Please consider making a donation to the Knights and Daughters of Vartan Call to Action Committee! Donations will go towards humanitarian aid. For further information please visit the Knights and Daughters of Vartan website @
Mail your donations to Knights of Vartan, Mr. Ronald Nazeley, Treasurer, 558 Kentwood Bluffs Drive, Los Angeles 90045.
Checks should be made to Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Memo: Artsakh, and brought or mailed to church. Online donations can be made by going to, go to donations, scroll down to Open Donation and enter Artsakh.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity continues to seek multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @
Jan 31 – Weekly Zoom Bible Study
Feb 4 – Church School Communion Sunday and Commitment service
Feb 11 – Church School Open House and Poon Paregentan Carnival Party
Feb 11 – Poon Paregentan
Feb 11 – Blessing of Married Couples
Feb 12 – Lent begins
Feb 18 – Vartanantz Program
Feb 24 – Saintly Women’s Day @ St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church
(see flyer in our Narthex) Cost $25 must RSVP by Feb 10thFeb 25 – Annual Parish Assembly
Mar 10 – Mitchink Luncheon