Sunday Messenger

September 10, 2023

Paregentan of the Fast of Exaltation

Scripture and Feast Day Notes

From Today’s Readings

Isaiah 13:1-11 This oracle against Babylon points to its destruction on “the day of the Lord,” the day of God’s judgment. The sound of advancing armies and genuine human terror is vividly described. The cosmos shares in the agony as the heavens darken. Discuss/reflect: Throughout Scripture, Babylon stands for arrogant pride (Isaiah 47:8: “I am and there is none besides me.”) and godlessness. God musters an army from the “ends of heaven” against this – a terrifying image! What 21st century phenomena speak of arrogant human pride?

2 Corinthians 7:4-16 Paul’s spirit is comforted by the fact that rather than being distressed by a letter he had sent them, the Corinthians were prompted to repent. They embrace Titus and feel only concern and love for Paul. “I rejoice…!” exclaims a relieved and encouraged apostle.Godly sorrow,” he declares, brings an eager desire to be better; worldly sorrow leads only to fruitless regret.  Discuss/reflect: The literal phrase in Greek for “Godly sorrow” is “what God sees as sorrowful.” Can you think of a time when godly sorrow motivated you to make a real change in your life?

Mark 7:31-37 A deaf mute from Decapolis, the predominantly Greek region of 1st century Palestine, is brought to Jesus by caring people who seek His healing. Jesus takes him away from the crowd and first touches his ear and then, using His own saliva, touches his tongue, looking heavenward as He heals the man. Discuss/reflect: As in other healing stories, here we see again how people are brought to Jesus by others who are convinced that He can change lives. Think of a time someone brought you closer to God’s healing touch. Thank them in prayer.

Friday, September 8: Feast of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God

Although not recorded in Scripture, Mary’s birth and upbringing are mentioned in early Christian sources such as the Infancy Gospel of James. James recounts the longing of Sts. Joachim and Anne for a child; they find comfort in the story of Isaac’s birth to the elderly Abraham and Sarah. Joachim fasts for 40 days and nights; Anna wraps herself in mourning clothes and sits in her garden praying fervently. After angels appear to them both assuring them of a child, Anna runs up to Joachim and, filled with emotion, “hung on his neck” exulting “The Lord has blessed me abundantly!” In joy and gratitude, they promise the child to the Lord and when Anna gives birth and learns it’s a girl, she names her Mary. So fervent was their desire for holiness, that as Mary took her first steps, they vowed not to let her walk on anything impure until she was dedicated to the Temple and so created a ritually sacred space for their beloved daughter. Reflection: James describes Sts. Joachim and Anne as a very human couple who loved God, one another, and their daughter with tenderness and devotion. How might their example be instructive for us in learning how to hear God’s plan for our lives?

Department of Christian Education/Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)/

Requiem Services – Hokehankist today will be for:

Mari and Bagrad Boursalian on the 30th anniversary of their eternal life requested by the Boursalian and Gooshian families in loving memory of their parents.

Yester Ergenian on the 22nd year of her eternal rest. Requested in loving memory by her son Hagop Ergenian, daughter Markrid Keshishian and granddaughter Arousiag Keshishian and their families.

 Coofee Hour Today:  Hosted by the Boursalian and Gooshian families in memory of their beloved parents.

 Support Artists from Armenia: This year’s Harvest Bazaar will feature an encore of our Armenian Gift Market – Vernisage – with a variety of merchandise from Armenia which will surely delight those who visit our booth to view the products. We are seeking donors who will underwrite the purchase of these items and by doing so will, in turn, help support the work of the artists. For more information, contact Cece Garibian (267-210-0670), Tanya Paretchan (215-530-7847) or Gena DerHagopian Willard (215-805-6559).

Coming In The Fall – New Mission Sponsored by ACE

Please join us this Fall to create a “sisterhood” for the women of our church who have lost their husband or life partner.  Whether your loss is recent or long ago, we want to learn from one another for spiritual, social, and informational growth to enrich our lives despite our losses.  More information will follow.  For questions, please call Lucy Aghazarian, 215-901-7642 or email her

FAR Update:  Living apart from your family is challenging, and establishing a business from scratch is even more arduous, but with FAR’s assistance, we are gradually finding our footing,” shares baker Alina. In her cozy shop nestled in Masis city, she and her sister Aghavni have reestablished their lives after the heartache of the loss of family members, land and home. The oven, refrigerator and other equipment provided by Fund for Armenian Relief through the Small Business Assistance program gave the two women the launchpad they needed. Their bakery, the sole “jengyalov hats” provider in Masis, has gained popularity among the locals and has become their lifeline. Learn more about the Support for Artsakh’s Displaced program and join in by donating to FAR today!

September 24: Church School opening: We are thrilled to inform our faithful, especially our young families, that Church School is back and IN PERSON!  Both the Language Education and Christian Education divisions of our school will hold Registration on Sunday, September 24 starting at 10:30 in the church lobby—there is no registration or book fee. Help us spread the word—every child is welcome. After Badarak, our faithful are invited to join us for a pizza party!

The Kiss Of Peace: After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.”  The person giving the greeting says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us.  The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.

Attic Treasures – Bazaar 2023: Please do not bring your Attic Treasures to the church until September 15th. While we appreciate the donations, we ask you to store them at your homes as we do not have a storage area.  Thank you.

Lost & Found: Please take a look at the coat racks in the hallway as we have begun to accumulate miscellaneous pieces of clothing.  We will be donating any remaining items to charity in November.

~~~~~~~~~~TODAY’S EVENTS~~~~~~~~~~


Today, as our nation celebrates Grandparents Day, we want to take this opportunity to honor our grandparents with a short blessing service following the Divine Liturgy. We hope you will join us as we recognize the special love and gifts grandparents share with their grandchildren and their contribution to our parish family. Fellowship with ice cream and cake will follow!

All are welcome.

Sept 17 – Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Sept 21 – Armenian Independence Day
Sept 21 – Zoom Book Club
Sept 24 – Church School Begins
– 10:30 am – Registration for Christian Education Classes and Language Education Classes starts in the Fellowship Hall lobby
– 11:15 am – Christian Education Classes begin.
– 12:15 pm – Pizza Party for students
Oct 1 – Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak
Oct 1 – 10:30 – Armenian Language Classes begin
Oct 1 – 11:15 am Christian Education Classes continue
Oct 1 – ACYOA Car Wash Event after service today