July 23, 2023
Second Sunday after Transfiguration
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
Matthew 18:10-14 Jesus had just cited children and their open-hearted, unfettered faith as the answer to the disciples’ question: “who will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” With the story of the 100 sheep, he confirms that the Father cares for them all fiercely and equally. He will leave the 99 and look for the one lost sheep, celebrating joyfully when it is found. Discuss/reflect: Sometimes we church members are like the 99 sheep, contentedly grazing with fellow believers. We look down on the one who “goes astray.” What does this parable teach us about that attitude? What might help us see things as God does?
1 Corinthians 1:25-30 St. Paul reminds the faithful that it was not because of their superior qualities that they were called to faith. God calls people out of their foolishness, their unimportance, and their weakness to a strength and widsom that can only be found in Christ. Discuss/reflect: In what ways do “weak things of the world shame the strong”? (v 27)
Isaiah 3:16-4:1 In God’s judgment on Judah and Jerusalem, Isaiah has already described the breakdown of social order. He now focuses on the women, whose finery and beauty – representing a culture of luxury and pride – he describes in detail. All will be removed and defiled as punishment. Discuss/reflect: What are some ways a frivolous, self-centered attitude is encouraged by today’s consumer culture? Have you bought in? How?
Requiems – Hokehankist today will be for:
Evgenia Movsesova on the 40th Day of Her eternal rest requested in loving memory by Karen & Nune Sarkissian and Gevork & Natalya Sarkisian.
Betty & Souren Sadjian & all deceased members of the Sadjian Family, Angeline Varagian, Nishan Mardigian & James Varagian requested by Terri & Dave Mears, Chris & Ernie Peacock, Matt Sadjian & Serena Groff for their parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
Coffee Hour – The coffee Hour today is being sponsored in loving memory of Evgenia Movsesova by Karen & Nune Sarkissian and Gevork & Natalya Sarkisian.
Blessing of the Grapes: This year the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother-of-God will take place on Sunday, August 13. Anyone wishing to make a donation toward grapes should contact the church office no later than August 7th
Aid For Women In Armenia & Artsakh: We continue to collect donations of personal and feminine hygiene products for women in Armenia since the months-long blockade has created a great hardship for them. Necessary items include deodorant, soap or body wash, combs/brushes, wet wipes, cotton swabs, tissues, bandages, shampoo & conditioner. Please deposit your donations in the container in the lobby.
Far Update: Ayo has just launched its new project #HikingForAll! ARI, a local mountaineering group, and Arvestaran, a center for children with special needs, have teamed up to design a hiking program specifically tailored for children on the autism spectrum. This is a first of its kind initiative in Armenia, where inclusion is slowly blossoming. In addition to trips, the team will organize trainings to ensure that more Armenian guides can work effectively and in a dignifying manner with kids with special needs. Nature is for everyone! Learn more and contribute to the movement here:
Attention Graduates! The next issue of the LOOYS will feature our graduates (all levels) and we invite you to submit your own details for inclusion. Write-up should include: full name, parents’ names, name of institution, grade level or degree achieved, activity involvement (church or school), and future plans (further education/work/other). Please include a picture (in high resolution color), if possible. Everything should be sent to by August 15, 2023.
Attic Treasures – Bazaar 2023: Please do not bring your Attic Treasures to the church until September 15th. While we appreciate the donations, we ask you to store them at your homes as we do not have a storage area. Thank you.
The Kiss Of Peace – After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” The person giving the greeting says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us. The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
~~~~~~~~~~TODAY’S EVENTS~~~~~~~~~~
This Sunday, weather permitting, we will have a Fire Truck visit so that we can belatedly celebrate Vartavar with water games and outdoor fun. Because of last Sunday’s stormy weather, it did not take place. Bring your children and water toys.
July 30 – Final day for donations for the women in Armenia
July 30 – Participants depart for Pilgrimage to Armenia
August 13 – Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother-Of-God (Grapes Blessing)
September 17 – Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
September 21 – Armenian Independence Day
October 1 – Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak