October 16, 2022
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
Luke 4:14-23 Jesus is teaching in Nazareth following His victory over the devil in the wilderness. In a way, this is the Jesus story in miniature: He is first met with praise and acclaim but this response sours through jealousy, suspicion, and ignorance. Discuss/reflect: When Jesus spoke to his “hometown crowd” in Nazareth, they first marveled at His “gracious words.” Later, what He told them made them so angry they wanted to drive Him over a cliff (vv 28-30). What teachings of Jesus are the hardest for you to hear? Love your enemy? Give all you have to the poor? Do good works without seeking public credit? Or?
Galatians 4:3-18 St. Paul reminds the Galatians that Christ offers the possibility of being God’s sons and daughters and therefore not slaves to pagan philosophies. He calls on their friendship and open-hearted spirit to turn from wrong influences. Discuss/reflect: To fully understand the intimate relationship we can now have with God, consider the difference between being a paid ‘servant’ (cook, housekeeper, driver) to a family and being one of the children in the family. Itemize qualities that distinguish each relationship.
Isaiah 20:2-21:6 The Judeans were looking to Egypt and Cush for protection, but these powers would be shamefully toppled. Discuss/reflect: Such a timely story, as true today as it was so many centuries ago! After the last year and a half of pandemic and seismic social and economic changes, what things (people, values, goals, material items, etc.) do you no longer think are important to your happiness and security? Identify what really matters. Do this all in the form of a conversation with the Person who matters most!
Saturday, October 22 Commemorates Twelve Church Fathers: St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius (c.298-373 AD) was born in the cosmopolitan city of Alexandria where he spent most of his life. Present at the Council of Nicaea in 325 as the Bishop of Alexandria’s attendant, the young deacon spoke eloquently against the heretic Arius who denied Christ’s eternal divinity (suggesting there was a time when God the Son did not exist). He was later appointed as the Bishop’s successor and despite repeated exiles due to religious persecution and politics, he became a prolific apologist of the Christian faith and a revered church leader. He wrote the popular and influential Life of St. Antony. Of additional note, Bishop Athanasius’ Easter Letter of 367 is the earliest reference to the canon of New Testament books as we have them today. Athanasius’ masterpiece, On the Incarnation, is a celebrated defense of the full humanity and full divinity of Jesus. It likens fallen humanity to a painting that had been spoiled from its original splendor by “external stains” (sin), requiring a new person – Jesus Christ — to sit again for the master painter. (“In this way the Image of the Father might be restored.”) Reflection: Prayerfully think of your heart and soul as an Old Masters painting. Where do you think you need God’s loving restoration?
October 12 marks the 10th anniversary of the repose in the Lord of His Beatitude Archbishop Torkom II Manoogian, the 96th Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem. Thus, throughout all the churches of the Eastern Diocese, Hokehankist is to be offered on Sunday, October 16, with the singing of «Ահեղ Խորհուրդ».
SPECIAL FELLOWSHIP – We are in for a treat today as we have the pleasure of dance performances by a troupe of ballroom dancers of all ages who will regal us with their proficiency in a variety of dance routines. Young Tavit Murray, grandson of Berjoohy, has been studying and in competitive events with this dance studio for several years and we are delighted to have this opportunity to be entertained by them. Thank you to Berjoohy Murray who is hosting today’s coffee hour.
BIBLE BASICS – Wednesday evenings: October 19, 26 at 7:00 pm via ZOOM
If you feel your knowledge of Scripture is inadequate or if you have questions about the sacred writings of God’s people and its role in our lives, this 4-week program is perfect for you. Join our Senior Deacon, Albert Keshgegian as he guides us through an interactive look at the basics of the Bible. To sign-up and get the Zoom link, go to
Beginning to Pray (A Zoom discussion on October 27 at 7:00 pm):
Our Adult Christian Education team is pleased to announce that Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan, the Interim Director of Ministries for the Diocese and a member of the Diocesan Council, will guide us through a spiritual classic entitled “Beginning to Pray.” The book, written by Archbishop Anthony Bloom of the Russian Orthodox Church, is a short exploration of prayer for those who have never prayed and for those who have been disappointed with prayer. Limited copies of the book are available at our bookstore for $12. To receive the Zoom link for the discussion, contact
OCTOBER 22 and 23 – HARVEST BAZAAR After a 3-year hiatus, please join us for our Harvest Bazaar and food festival. Saturday 1 -7 pm, and Sunday after church until 4pm. Take out is available.
ATTIC TREASURES – Will return to the Harvest Bazaar this Fall. With limited storage space available at church, we are more focused on items we can accept to be sold at the Attic Treasures table. Gently Used Items must be CLEAN & UNDAMAGED. Desired items are jewelry, women’s accessories, housewares, and small furnishings. Clothing will not be accepted this year. The drop-off area will be in the first Sunday School room on the right. (The room will have a sign Attic Treasures). Unsold items will be donated to charity. For questions: contact Sue DerHagopian (609-280-6047), Gay Hagopian (609-502-4995) or Grace Meranshian (856-217-9333).
Support Artists from Armenia – This year’s Harvest Bazaar will feature an Armenian Gift Market with a variety of merchandise from Armenia which will surely delight those who take the time to view the products. We are seeking donors who will underwrite the purchase of these items and by doing so will, in turn, help support the work of the artists. For more information, contact Cece Garibian (267-210-0670), Tanya Paretchan (215-530-7847) or Gena DerHagopian Willard (215-805-6559).
When he fled the violence in Artsakh in 2020, Edik Mnatsakanyan naively believed that he would be back home again in a few days after the flare-up subsided. Like the hundreds of families forced to flee the most recent Artsakh War, Edik, his wife, Anna, who was pregnant at the time, and their three children, sought refuge about 90 miles away from their home, across the border in Armenia. Edik’s family now lives in a two-story house in Armenia’s Sisian Region because of FAR’s Support for Artsakh’s Displaced Project, which has helped six families in total to find sustainable housing in addition to food, clothing, and employment—almost everything needed to find stability in a new home. Edik is also working full-time as a mechanic, also thanks to FAR’s help, which supported him to start his new business. As we continue to live under the threat of Azeri aggression, we must accelerate our efforts to support Armenia now more than ever. To read more, go to:
COUNTRY STORE will be closed on Sunday. We look forward to serving you at the Harvest Bazaar next weekend.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @
LOST AND FOUND – Please look at the coat racks in the hallway as we have begun to accumulate miscellaneous pieces of clothing. We will be donating any remaining items to charity in December.