
June 5, 2022
COVID UPDATE: Based on the recent increase in Covid infections, Montgomery County is recommending that masks be worn indoors in all public areas and to maintain social distance.
Scripture and Feast Day Notes From Today’s Readings
From Today’s Readings
Acts 2:1-21 While the disciples are gathered in one place, the Holy Spirit comes to them in a great wind and in tongues of fire which appear above each disciple, empowering them to speak different languages. Addressing the crowd’s rumor that the disciples seem to be drunk, Peter recalls the prophetic words of Joel: the “Holy Spirit would be poured out over the people, gifting them with dreams and visions” and filling the world with a flurry of signs in anticipation of the coming of the Lord. Discuss/reflect: vv 1-4 is the renowned description of a notable event. Prayerfully imagine you were there with the disciples. Experience a howling wind that filled the house. What did it sound and feel like? What do you make of these tongues of fire? Why fire? How do you picture them coming “to rest” on the disciples?
John 14:25-31 In preceding verses we read about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet in the Upper Room where he predicts Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s heart-breaking denial. Here, he promises the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, whom the Father will send to remind them of all they had learned and continue to teach them. He assures them that he will return, leaving them with a peace that transcends the world’s understanding. Discuss/reflect: Does your faith in Jesus Christ provide you inner peace, no matter what shape your personal life or the world may be in? If not, what is keeping you from the peace Jesus promised?
Today is Pentecost (Hokekaloost)
Falling 50 days after Easter, Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, empowering them to go out into the world and share Jesus’ message of salvation. (See Acts 2:1-21 and above for full account.) Armenians are especially grateful for the gift of language received by the disciples Thaddeus and Bartholomew who were then able to journey to Armenia (each at a different time) to convert and baptize many. These First Enlighteners planted the seeds that St. Gregory would cultivate and bring to full bloom a few centuries later when Armenia became the “first Christian nation” under his mentorship. This coming of the Holy Spirit took place at the time of the Feast of Weeks, a harvest feast of pilgrimage, so Jews from everywhere were gathered in Jerusalem to give thanks for the first fruits of nature. Similarly, Christian Pentecost is a festival of thanksgiving for the first fruits of the Holy Spirit. Reflection: The Holy Spirit descended on a group of Jesus’ followers whose hearts were open to His coming.. How ready are you to receiving the Spirit’s guidance and power?
Altar Flowers: are donated today by Lori, Aram Alan & Lucy in loving memory of ARAM AVEDIS AGHAZARIAN on his birthday.
AN AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES: Join us on Sunday, June 5, following the Divine Liturgy for a presentation of a family-friendly, PG-rated film called “Overcomer.” Your heart will be touched by this Spirit-filled and inspirational movie about a high school basketball coach and his team challenged with an uncertain future. Sponsored by our Adult Christian Education (ACE) ministry, parishioners of all ages will enjoy this film and… the popcorn is FREE!
On Sunday, June 12, following Badarak, our Holy Trinity Church School student, Elena Sisoyev, will present a musical piano recital for everyone’s enjoyment. We invite all to join us next Sunday for this 30-minute Summer Musical Break and refreshments!
COUNTRY STORE – We invite you to come visit us after church most Sundays. See Liz or Jeanette. If you wish to place an order for pickup, contact Lorraine Damerjian @ 215-572-8465, and she can help you with that.
Seeking Part-time Organists – the Choir of Holy Trinity is looking for multiple talented musicians who would be seriously interested in playing the organ for the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy (Badarak) on a rotating schedule. Organ lessons will be provided to the interested candidates, along with one-on-one direction from a senior choir person. For further information, contact Karinne Andonian @