First Sunday after the Octave of Theophany

January 17, 2021
First Sunday after the Octave of Theophany
Scripture Notes
Sunday, January 17, 2021
From Today’s Readings
John 2: 1-11 Jesus attends a wedding in Cana with his mother and disciples. At Mary’s humble prompting, Jesus performs what John describes as the first of his miraculous signs. Our Lord turned water into wine, an act not only of celebration and life but a foreshadowing of the sign of the New Covenant. Most importantly, this “best” wine speaks of the abundant life that Jesus offers (typically, hosts would dilute the wine at evening’s end since revelers would not know the difference). Discuss/reflect: How could the presence of Jesus heighten the sense of joy and celebration in your life?
1 Timothy 1: 1-11 St. Paul urges Timothy to take a strong position on the false teachings that abound in Ephesus. He reminds the young missionary that faith is not about rules and regulations but is about (v.5) the love that comes from “a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” This inner relationship of faith and life echoes the gospel charge that “by their fruits you shall know them.” (Matthew 7:16) Discuss/reflect: What specific ways might a sincere faith change what you think, do, or say?
Isaiah 54: 1-13 The prophet joyously proclaims God’s love for his people, described as the relationship that exists between a husband and a wife. Marriage, abandonment, and restored relationship are strong Old Testament themes (Hosea). Underlying the metaphor of marriage is the idea of covenant, a binding mutual commitment, as well as deep personal love. Discuss/reflect: If you thought of your relationship with God as one of a deeply loving commitment, (think perhaps of the dearest loved one in your life), what might such a relationship entail? (More time spent with God? Doing what would please God? Etc.)
“Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night….” (Nehemiah 1:5–6). Prayers are requested for Ethel Terzian, Taron Poghosyan, Alice Charles, Theodora Mirakian & Leslie Movsesian.
ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (ACE) Upcoming Events in January 2021
- Thursday, January 21 –The Bible in the Badarak: Psalms Here, There and Everywhere. Presenter: Deacon Albert Keshgegian
- Thursday, January 28 – Holy Trinity Book Club: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Facilitator: Nancy Basmajian
All sessions will be conducted via ZOOM from 7 – 8 pm. To receive the ZOOM link, register @
MEN’S CLUB NEWS – The January Men’s Club drawing for 2020-21 was completed on 1/10/21. You can see the results on our HTAC Website. Click on: Organizations, Men’s Club.
REMINDER: According to the Diocesan Bylaws, membership dues are to be paid no later than December 31st each year in order to be a member in “good standing” and to be eligible to vote at the annual assembly. Any monies received after that date will be applied to the new year. For any questions regarding your status, please call the church office.
Since we do not stream services at our church every week, we invite you to click on one of the following links to partake of Badarak at any of the following: (St Leon Live Stream) (St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral) (Holy Martyrs Live Stream)
EMERGENCY CLOSINGS: In an effort to inform parishioners and guests when a Holy Trinity church service or program needs to be canceled or delayed due to inclement weather or other reasons, we request that you check our website ( or facebook page ( for the most accurate information.