Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross

October 25, 2020
Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross
War in Artsakh
The war continues in Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) with extensive loss of lives, casualties and Turkey’s continued desire to annihilate us. We are standing ALONE in this war but our people are determined to fight and are willing to die, if necessary, for our homeland. Prayers and donations are needed urgently!
Click here to make your donation IMMEDIATELY or send check to:
Holy Trinity Armenian Church – Memo: Artsakh
Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross
In the 4th century, the Emperor Constantine delegated his mother Queen Helena to find the actual cross upon which Christ was crucified. She found the site (c.326), but three crosses were there. It was said that to authenticate the true cross of Christ, the body of a young man who had recently died was placed on each cross. The true Cross was ‘discovered’ when the deceased youth miraculously revived. Christians in Jerusalem began to venerate that cross, and since then it has been broken into fragments and dispersed among various churches. There is a fragment of the cross in Etchmiadzin, as well as in St. Vartan Cathedral in New York City.
Reflection: Although this was a discovery made long ago, even today we are called to unearth the cross in our daily lives. Are we willing to come to new life as did the youth? To take up the cross and allow its power to transform our lives?
Department of Christian Education/Diocese of the Armenian Church
1Corinthians 1:18-24 (page 151) New Testament
Matthew 24:27-36 (page 25) New Testament – (Please follow the Armenian Reading in your Bible)
Isaiah 33: 22-34:1 (page 710) Old Testament
REQUIEM SERVICES: Hokehankist today will be for:
– ALBERT DERPILBOSIAN (1st Anniversary of His eternal life) requested with love by Valerie DerPilbosian and Family.
– ALYCE JILAJIAN (1st Anniversary of Her eternal life) requested with love by Brenda and Skye Jilajian.
– GRIGOR HARUTYUNYAN, GEVORG BABAYAN requested with love by Marine Harutyunyan & Shake Derderian.
– SERGEI TER-SAHAKOV requested by Ashot Petrosyan
*Armen J. Alahverde Sr. requested by Doris Alahverde
*Avedis & Nevart Sarkessian and Luke & Alberta Barone requested by Robert and Elizabeth Barone
*Janice Boyajian Pinkerton & Vahan Boyajian requested by Florence Boyajian
*John, Mary and Armen Mirakian requested by David and Marta Brann
*Haig Hagopian, Aram Hagopian, James & Susan Vosbikian, deceased members of the Hagopian, Vosbikian, Mozian & Gureghian Families requested by Gay, Tina & Marie Hagopian
*Albert & Naomi Kapeghian requested by Barbara and Tom Harmon
*Harry and Bertha Obozian & Monica Obozian DePaul requested by Vicki Obozian Cain
*Larry Der Hagopian requested by Jeanette Der Hagopian
*Larry Der Hagopian requested by Kim and Gena Willard
*John Diran Mirijanian requested by Jan Diran Mirijanian
*Russ Tandourjian, Lisa Tandourjian Cook & Michael Douglas Cook requested by Maggie Tandourjian
*Karapet & Hayarpie Garabian and Niaz Karabian requested by Dr. Garo and Cece Garibian
*Archbishop Papken Varjabedian, Sooren & Mary Paretchan, Karapet & *Hayarpie Garabian and Niaz Karabian requested by Michael & Tanya Paretchan
*Michael and Rose Karabian, Ruth Destefano, Helen Vishab & Florence Dandegian requested by Alice Karabian
*Paul & Greta Chrekjian requested by Doris Kodikian
*Robert H. (Bobby) Sarkisian requested by Mary Sarkisian
*Barkev Takuhi and Agnes Zoolalianner requested by Hagop and Sonia Ergenian
*Nevrig Kash, Kegham Kash, Deborah Hanamirian, Robert Hanamirian,
Mooshegh Hanamirian & Hratch Hanamirian requested by John Hanamirian
*Albert & Florence Dandegian, Michael & Rose Karabian and Ruth DeStepano requested by Albert Dandegian Jr.
*David & Tevalinda Damerjian and Nubar & Araxie Hintlian requested by Robert and Lorraine Damerjian
*Elizabeth & Garabed Tookmanian and Martin Tookmanian LeCompte requested by Brenda and Hank LeCompte
*Francesca Torcomian requested by the Torcomian Family
*Charles & Polly Mears requested by Dave & Terri Mears
*Arsen & Katherine, Valentina & Armenag, Nick & John Kashkashian requested by Ronald A. Kashkashian
*Patrick Killian and John & Dorothy Chalikian requested by Joyce Killian
*Souren & Elizabeth Sadjian and all members of the Sadjian & Mardigian Families requested by Ernie & Chris Sadjian-Peacock
*For the fallen Soldiers of Artsakh in Armenia requested by Michael & Lynn Hajatian
*Harry Yazujian, Helen Vishab, Norair Hartunian, Mariam Hartunian, Armen Mirakian & Diane Clerico requested by Greg, Diane, Michael & Brenda Yazujian
*John & Rose Serabian, Ned Santerian, Corrine Santerian Moore, Edward & Rose Karnikian, Michael & Rose Santerian requested by Merle Santerian
*Edward L Zarzatian Jr. requested by the Jordan Family & Rosemarie Zarzatian
*Azad Ayvazian, Haroutioun & Diramayr Ayvazian, Hovhannes & Shnorhig Donigian, Garbis & Arousiag Kelyan, Yeznig & Maxim Torossian requested by Alice and Karnig Torossian.
*Elizabeth Kapeghian requested by Heather Radcliffe and her children Luke and Taline Kapeghian in memory of their grandmother
“Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night….” (Nehemiah 1:5–6). Prayers are requested for Ethel Terzian, Taron Poghosyan, Alice Charles, Theodora Mirakian, Leslie Movsesian and Zevart Shakarjian.
Thank you all for your continued support of our brothers and sisters in Artsakh. It is incredible to see Armenians coming together from all over the world to protect our land and our people. Please continue to pray for our soldiers and use the following resources to spread awareness and offer support. Thank you!
- PROTEST. Please keep an eye out for upcoming events in the area. There is a George Washington Bridge March scheduled for this Sunday at 2:00. You can also find information about upcoming protests in the Armenian East Coast Protest Info Group on Facebook.
- DONATE. You can donate on Armenia Fund’s website, through Holy Trinity, or send a check made out to Holy Trinity Armenian Church (memo: Artsakh).
- VISIT ANCA.ORG. Here you’ll find the most up-to-date action items. ANCA will put you in touch with your representative and supply the email template or phone script for you.
- USE SOCIAL MEDIA. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are great ways to spread awareness. When sharing content about Artsakh, use the right hashtags to amplify the conversation (e.g. #RecognizeArtsakh), and be sure to spell them correctly. Also, report aggressive Azeri or Turkish online behavior. Do not engage in it.
- LEARN. You can get the latest news from social media or you can visit agbu.org/artsakhfacts or thehyenetwork.com/artsakh for background.
- PROTEST. The next Philly rally is Saturday, 10/31 from 11:30-2 at Monument Plaza at Ben Franklin Bridge on 6th and Vine. More info about upcoming protests is on the Armenian East Coast Protest Info Group on Facebook
“Walking Through the Gospel of Mark” continues on Tuesdays evenings through November 17 (7:00 – 8:00 PM) led by our Pastoral Intern, Dn. Armen Terjimanian.
The Gospel of Mark is the earliest written of the Gospels, and at 16 chapters, it is the shortest. It’s also dramatic and fast-moving. Our journey, which will begin at the River Jordan, will be casual and easygoing. We will read together and ask questions as they arise. Attendance at all sessions is not required but invited!
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ends Sunday night, November 1. So be sure to turn your clocks BACK one hour and gain an extra hour of sleep! Remember: Spring forward, Fall back!
CHURCH CALENDAR (please mark your calendars)
Tuesdays 9/29 through 11/17: Walking Through the Gospel of MarkOctober
Sunday 10/25: Picnic-to-Go
Saturday 10/31: Daylight Saving turn clocks back 1 hour
The Diocesan Annual Appeal – We encourage our faithful to be supportive in any way they are able, especially now with the shortfall that the Diocese has experienced because of COVID. This year’s Appeal will have an extra feature for new or existing donors. A generous benefactor has stepped forward with a match, so your donation will be worth more than the check you send them!
MEN’S CLUB “200 CLUB” – Eight (8) Tickets remain for the upcoming 2020-21 season of the 200 Club Raffle. A one-time donation of $100 will entitle you to eight (8) months of drawings, with five winners drawn each month. Your ticket number could be drawn more than once in the eight monthly drawings. In fact, several ticket holders have won twice this past season! The first drawing will take place this November and the last one in June 2021 with the prizes in those two months at $1000 / $400 / $200 / $200 / $ 200. The other six months will be $500 / $200 / $100 / $100 / $100. And your chances are better than the lottery! Buy additional tickets to increase your chances of winning! <> Cannot manage a $100 Ticket right now? – split one with a family member or friend!
Contact Larry DerHagopian (215-489-7116), Mike Tookmanian (484-351-8663), or Mick Paretchan (215-947-4394) if you haven’t already purchased your ticket. There will be $10,000 in Prize Money AND much needed Financial Support for our church, The Men’s Club has also been sponsoring two Armenian Orphans through CASP for many years. Thank you for your support!
FAR Assists Families from Artsakh – As the war in Artsakh rages, FAR continues its distributions of emergency food and supplies, and shelter assistance to those who have fled Artsakh. Families like Lilia Davityan and her two small children, Gabriella and Aleksey, left Stepanakert on the 27th of September after a bomb landed close to their house. The family had to run to take shelter in a nearby bunker. Lilia’s husband, who joined the frontlines, insisted that his family evacuate. Lilia’s grandparents, Raya and Albert Sargsyan, soon joined the three in Yerevan. They left in early October as shelling by the Azeri’s escalated in Stepanakert. The family of five is now living in a Yerevan hotel, which is providing free shelter and food to the displaced. Unable to pack even one suitcase before they left, they are in need of clothing, diapers, and other essentials, which FAR is providing to them. The TV in their hotel room is tuned to the news all day long. Lilia also constantly scans her phone for any trustworthy source of information from the border. While her husband calls once a day, he cannot say much about the situation on the ground. Each day, they continue to hope for some good news.