Giving Tuesday
Dear Faithful of Holy Trinity,
In the course of the last two months, our lives have been turned inside out with a “new normal” taking place because of the COVID-19 virus. Most working people were furloughed when non-essential businesses were forced to close. All levels of students continued their education from home via technology. And, with the closure of churches, the isolation being imposed kept us from even being with family members and relatives who reside in another household as we learned what “social distancing” means.
As Armenians, for most of us our lives revolve around the Church, ranging from very active to moderate participation. But no matter where we fall in that spectrum, the Church has been our stability and our anchor – it has always been there for us. Being deprived of our church in such a physical way – not being able to attend Sunday Badarak and receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion – has been felt more deeply with each passing week.
Our leadership immediately began to find ways to communicate with our people. As often as possible, various services were held and streamed through Facebook and we are indebted to those few individuals who were willing and allowed to enter the church as part of our support team. Pastoral messages by Der Hakob have been streamed on Facebook and ZOOM video gatherings have been held with the Church School students, led by Der Hayr, Superintendent Leslie Movsesian, and the teachers.
Although our doors are closed, we strive to continue the work of the church, while operating within the state guidelines of isolation. However, we are now experiencing a financial downturn, as monies from weekly plate collections, lighting of candles, altar flowers & candles, and Hokehankisd have vanished, while the operational costs of our entire complex continue.
We now appeal to our faithful to prayerfully consider a general contribution as you are able and willing. Aside from the areas mentioned above, renewing your annual membership and/or adding to Stewardship at this time would also provide a good source of revenue.
Our parishioners have always been generous with their time, talent and treasure, and we turn to you in this unprecedented time of need to be there for our Church. Donations can be made online or by mailing a check to the church.
With sincere appreciation,
Pastor and Parish Council
“Freely you have received, freely give”(Matthew 10:8b).