Scripture and Feast Day Notes

April 26, 2020
Sunday of the World Church (Green Sunday)
Scripture and Feast Day Notes
From Today’s Readings
John 2:23-3:12 Nicodemus, a Jewish leader and teacher, is impressed with the “signs and wonders” Jesus has performed and wants to know more. Jesus tells him of a second, even more life-changing birth when we are born again “of water and the Spirit.” Discuss/reflect: On their mission to Samaria, Peter and John saw that people were baptized in Jesus’ name but the “Holy Spirit had not yet come upon them: (Acts 8:16). At baptism we are “born again” into God’s family, but how do we continue this ongoing spiritual birthing throughout our lives?
Acts 9:23-31 The newly converted St. Paul is preaching in the synagogues of Damascus. When his life is threatened, followers lower him over a wall in a basket. Barnabus later introduces and defends him to the apostles in Jerusalem who are understandably fearful since Paul was once a zealous persecutor of Christians. The church experiences peace and great growth. Discuss/reflect: The church is described as “living in the fear of God.” (v.31) The Greek word “phobos” denotes the reverential awe of those “struck by the holiness of God.” Perhaps this simply means that these early faithful were living reverent lives. Do you live in awe of God’s authority and holiness? What are some specific signs of this?
1 Peter 2:1-10 The apostle Peter describes all believers as “living stones” who come to the Living Stone, Christ, to be built into the spiritual house that is the Church. Discuss/reflect: Jesus as the cornerstone of our lives – a beautiful image! A cornerstone is defined as a foundational stone in a building, and figuratively, as basic and important. Is He the cornerstone of your life?
Today is Sunday of the World Church (Green Sunday)
The second Sunday after Easter is dedicated to the very first church in the world – established in Jerusalem by Christ. It was there in the Upper Room (Ver-na-doon) that Jesus shared His Body and Blood in the bread and wine of the new Covenant with his disciples and where they in turn gathered with other followers before and after the Resurrection and at Pentecost. It was this nucleus of Christ’s church that would one day become a church of millions. Although the site remains a place of pilgrimage, the original building itself no longer exists. In its place, we have a world church—the entire earth which the Christian Church has taken under its roof. The name “green” conveys the idea of new life in Christ’s resurrection as well as its glorious evidence in nature at this time of year.
Department of Christian Education Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern)
1 Peter 2: 1-10 (page 209) New Testament
John 2: 23-3:12 (pages 85-86) New Testament – (Please follow the Armenian Reading in your Bible)
“LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night….” (Nehemiah 1:5-6).
Prayers are requested for Edward Tatoian, Rose Minassian, Ethel Terzian, Taron Poghosyan, Alice Charles and Armen & Theodora Mirakian.
My Friends,
Fund for Armenian Relief is answering the call help Armenia weather the COVID-19 crisis.Here are some quick facts:
– We are working with the Ministry of Social Affairs and have come to the aid of 1000 of
the most vulnerable families in 10 regions, e.g. Lori, Tavush, Shirak….
– These families have received food and hygienic supplies for one month!
– Your donation is put to work within 4 days of you making the donation. That is an
impressive turnaround time frame.
– 100% of your donation goes to Direct Aid.Use this link ( to make a donation. Every dollar counts – no amount is too small!
Der Yeprem Kelegian
Diocesan Parish Coordinator for the Fund for Armenian Relief
Christian Education Update from Leslie Movsesian, Church School Superintendent
Weekly, all students are receiving lessons from their teachers, and using Diocesan online workbooks, activity bulletins and Bread & Salt videos to enrich their education. Additionally, all students have had an opportunity to pray and learn with Der Hayr in Zoom meetings. They have talked about the Washing of the Feet service during Holy Week, Easter, Prayer, and the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. Also, our students in 3rd to 11th grades may participate in Teen Talks and St. Vartan Camp Zoom sessions with the Diocesan Youth Ministries #stayhome #stayconnected program.
Lastly, our graduating class, consisting of Maria Badalyan, Margarita Badalyan, Alex Balint and Kyle Dunigan, are working toward completing their three-part final exam with their teacher on Zoom. Der Hayr will join their last session in April to answer questions and continue to offer words of encouragement in achieving this milestone in their faith education. God willing, we will be able to hold the formal graduation in September on Opening Day of Sunday School when they will receive their diplomas.