October 30, 2016
DIVINE LITURGY CELEBRANT today, we welcome as Celebrant of the Divine Liturgy, The Rev. Fr. Arshen Aivazian. Orhnya Der, yev Paree Yegak.
St. John Chrysostom Patriarch
The Pontiff St. John the Chrysostom is one of the most prominent and gracious Fathers of the Universal Church. He was born in Antioch, in 347 AD. He has studied in the Theological School of Antioch and has advanced his skills in rhetoric art in the School of Libanios. Since the young age he has led an ascetic life. In 381 AD he has been ordained as deacon by Meletios of Antioch and in 386 he has been ordained as priest by Flavianos. Thanks to his brilliant and eloquent speeches and sermons he has deserved the title “Chrysostom”.
In 398 AD he is elected the Patriarch of Constantinople against his will and zealously initiates renovation and reconstruction works of the capital city, which was far from the Christian mode of life and lived immoral life full of conflicts and disputes. Amorality and religious indifference were dominant among the people, the court and the clergy. St. John the Chrysostom condemns and criticizes all forms and manifestations of amorality and for criticism he raises the Queen Eudoxia’s anger. The Patriarch Theophilos of Alexandria also, who wished to become the Patriarch of Constantinople, also stands against St. John the Chrysostom. Basing on groundless slander and calumny by the ecclesiastical council held in 403 AD., an order is issued to exile the saint. However, during the night of exile such terrible earthquake and fires happen that the Queen calls the Patriarch back to his residence. St. John the Chrysostom continues to criticize the wrong and immoral mode of life of the court. Ignoring the people’s sympathy towards the Patriarch and the protection of the Western Church, the King Arkadios and the Queen Eudoxia again issue an order to exile the saint. The saint is exiled to Pontos and is martyred in the town Komana. His last words are: “Glory to You, God, glory to You, glory to You for everything.” The saint’s remains are buried in the Church of St. Apostles, of Constantinople, in 438 AD.
St. John the Chrysostom is the author of many interpretations, speeches, odes, epistles and letters, which have positively influenced on the history of the Christian mind. His works have been translated into Armenian still during his life.
- Ephesians 1: 1-14 (pages 174- 175) New Testament
- Luke 8: 17-21 (page 61) New Testament – (Please follow the Armenian Reading in your Bible)
REQUIEM SERVICES: Karasoonk (40th Day memorial Service) today will be for:
- FLORENCE ALTOONIAN requested by the Altoonian Family on the 40th day of Her eternal life.
Hokehankist today will be for:
- Armen J. Alahverde Sr. requested by Doris Alahverde
- Ovsanna & Abraham, Mariam & Mardiros Kalemkerian requested by John Arslanian
- Albert & Nevart Sarkessian and Luke & Alberta Barone requested by Robert and Elizabeth Barone
- Canonized 1915 Genocide Saints requested by Gary, Lisa & Victoria Berberian
- Veronika Balasanyan requested by Anton Balasanyan
- Vahan Boyajian by the Florence Boyajian
- Armenas & Marta Mirakian and Deacon Krikor & Margaret Ohanian requested by David & Marta Brann
- Ann Bryers requested by Bryers Funeral Home
- Philip & Martha Abrahamian requested by Jim Faridy
- Ergenian, Zoolalian & Marzuco Families requested by Hagop and Sonia Ergenian
- Evelyn Weinsheimer requested by Richard Weinsheimer
- Berjouhe Paroonagian Gallo requested by her children, Carol Temoyan, George & Linda Paroonagian, her grandchildren Christine Temoyan, Laura Yavru-Sakuk, Kim & Chris Tashjian & her great-grandchildren Talia, Sophie, Nina & Zachary on the 40th day of her passing
- Antranik and Virginia Javardian requested by Greg and Maria Javardian
- Ara and Lillian Ambarian requested by Robert and Susan Karpinski & David Ambarian
- Vaughan and Arax Damghajian requested by Mickey Sherian
- Mike & Rose Karabian, Ruth DeStefano, Baghdazar & Altoon Karabian requested by Alice Karabian
- Kegham & Nevrig Kash and Debbie Hanamirian requested by John Kash
- Elizabeth & Garabed Tookmanian requested by Michael Tookmanian
- Ardashes & Sara Kaiserian and Paul & Margaret Kazanjian requested by Edward and Carol Kaiserian
- Mary & Kappy Kapeghian requested by Tom Swartz & Karen Vartanian
- Mary & Sooren Paretchan requested by Don and Judy Paretchan
- All those who have passed recently requested by Robert and Lorraine Damerjian
- Souren & Betty Sadjian, Mears & Beatty Families requested by Dave & Terri Mears
- Martin V. Parnagian requested by Linda Parnagian Preske
- Papazian, Morlian, Froberg & Edmonds Families requested by Gary and Sonia Papazian
- Naomi Kapeghian and Kapeghian, Kupelian & Cholakian Families requested by Albert Kapeghian Family
- Naomi Kapeghian requested by Janice, Robert, Scott & Jaclyn King
- Arsen, Katherine, John & Nicholas Kashkashian requested by Ronald A. Kashkashian
- Patrick Killian and John & Dorothy Chalikian requested by Joyce Killian
- Jirair & Elizabeth Hovnanian and Diran Shakarjian requested by Stephen & Nancy Hovnanian
- Sarkis Nalbandian, Sembut & Zarouhi Dramgotchian requested by Harout and Sonia Nalbandian
- Elizabeth & Souren Sadjian requested by Chris Sadjian-Peacock & Ernie Peacock
- Bobby Sarkisian requested by Mary Sarkisain
- Arshag & Eugenie Yeterian requested by Angel Tookmanian
- Helen Vishab requested by Jack Vishab
PRAYERS: “Now, my God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.” (2 Chronicles 6:40) Praying is as vital to a faith community as breathing. It is one of the ways in which we communicate with God. We ask you to pray for those among who are facing medical difficulties: Ed Zarzatian, Jr., Albert Santerian, Virginia Shakarjian, Janice Boyajian Pinkerton and Anita Mirijanian. Please also pray for the unrest that is not only in faraway places but in our own country as well.
October is Breast Cancer Month The health care for women in Armenia is not the same quality as in the United States. A clinic has been established and the Ladies of Holy Trinity will support it with a Pink Campaign during the month of October. A jar is sitting on the table in the narthex. We are asking our parishioners to simply drop in their loose change each Sunday. Our collection will be sent to Yerevan to support women’s health care which lags far behind the care men received. Please support this worthy project. thank you.
200 CLUB News from the Men’s Club – There are only eight (8) tickets remaining for the “200 CLUB” raffle. Contact Larry DerHagopian or Mick Paretchan after church if you haven’t already purchased a ticket or would like an additional ticket! A one-time donation of $100 will entitle you to eight months of drawings, with five tickets drawn each month. Keep in mind that there will be $10,000 in prize money distributed between this November and next June, so don’t miss the opportunity!
Shoeboxes Are Here! It’s a new year to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and this year, we’ll be doing it in a new way. We have plenty of colorful boxes for everyone to fill. When you pick up your box(es), a minimum payment of $7.00 per box is due to cover shipping and handling. (Checks should be made out to Holy Trinity.) Filled shoeboxes must be returned to church by November 13. Any questions can be referred to Gail Lulejian or Jeanette Der Hagopian. We hope you’ll decide to be a part of bringing joy to needy children this Christmas season.
THE NICENE CREED/ HAVADAMK – This is the Profession of our Faith which is recited every Sunday moments after the Gospel is read from the altar. Sometimes it is sung, but more often it is recited by the Deacons and/or the Choir. We invite you to affirm your own “Profession of Faith” by reciting along with us. God longs for all of us to express our faith and devotion to Him.
CHURCH CALENDAR (please mark your calendars)
- October 28th, 29th & 30th: Harvest Bazaar
- Sunday December 4th: Stewardship Sunday
The Bookstore: The Bookstore is open every Sunday after Liturgy. Please stop in and browse.
COUNTRY STORE: The Country Store is open every Sunday after church services in the kitchen. All are welcome.
If you know of anyone who is a shut-in, or ill and would like a visit from Der Hayr, please call the office and give their name to Maggie our church secretary.
CHURCH ETIQUETTE: We wish to remind you, our faithful, to please maintain a quiet and contemplative manner as you approach the chancel for communion. We especially ask that you refrain from conversation while waiting your turn for communion as well as afterwards as you return to your pew. Thank you.
THE KISS OF PEACE: After the gifts of the Eucharist are brought to the Altar Table, the deacon proclaims, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” The person giving the greetings says, Kristos ee mech mer Haydnetsav – Christ is revealed amongst us. The recipient would respond, Orhnial eh Haydnootiunun Kristosee – Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
Anyone who wishes to request any Requiem Services MUST inform the office by 1:30pm Wednesday the week before. If you also want to sponsor the Fellowship Hour you MUST call Merle Santerian at 215-947-3777.
Would you like to:
- receive this Bulletin on Friday via email?
- request a Hokehankist, house blessing or hall rental information?
- find in-depth information on our faith, our parish and our activities?
- sign up for an event online?
- If the answer to any of these questions is YES, please visit our parish website at www.holytrinity-pa.org
WE ASK THAT EVERYONE KINDLY TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES and all other such electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary out of respect for the sanctity of our services.